My fitness pal servings

As someone who uses mfp religiously , scanning a bag of banana huel brings up a default serving of 100g. Infact someone has copy pasted this for all flavours and vanilla . And states 400 cals . Now hurls reccomended is 3 scoops which are roughly 38g each correct? So just beware of mfp and just accepting its entries . Because it’s obviously set to someone’s personal tastes currently. When I make entries myself I always add them to recommended serving levels then edit later to my personal requirements .

Always best to weigh everything you eat rather than rely on scoops. I find mfp brilliant whenever I need to keep track. All a matter of preference I suppose but I entered everything manually, never scanned.

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I messed up this morning . I usually bring a bag of huel to work for the locker but of course I forgot a scoop :see_no_evil:. So I ended up using a standard 70cc scoop from a bag of protein powerder lying around and just added an extra 20 Cc after 3 scoops . It wasn’t the best maths but it’ll do :joy:. By the way the banana powder is much better smelling than the vanilla . :facepunch:t2: Also may be an idea to bring my digi scales to work too in future just in case

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I love the banana premix. Must order more as I’ve nearly finished the bag :yum:

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