Hi all,
I don’t usually do this, but I just thought I’d make a quick note about the taste of the New and Improved vanilla flavour I’ve just received. I was a big fan of the normal vanilla flavour. It wasn’t too sweet, went down easily and didn’t leave much of an after taste. I have had one shake of the new flavour, and it’s not my cup of tea at all. It tastes so… fake? It doesn’t taste like anything I would call is Vanilla (though obviously ymmv), leaves a taste in my mouth for quite a while and it’s just a bit of a let down. I know there are a couple of others who have voiced the same thing on here (though some more angry than others).
I know I can send back the unopened bag, which is fine, but it still leaves me with a bag of a flavour I hate, almost completely full. But I just have a few thoughts about how to solve this.
Firstly, the name. Having 2 products called Vanilla, and having one saying “New and Improved” is pretty confusing. Yes, it’s a new taste, but it’s the same formula, right? Other threads I’ve seen about this have assumed that the old vanilla flavour is the old 2.2, but both versions are the same v2.3 formula but with different flavour profiles, right?
Then when you’re saying “improved” you’re claiming something that is completely subjective, and in my case it feels misleading. When I’ve gone from a taste that is perfectly fine, to a taste that makes me grimace and think “what have they done?!” that’s absolutely not improved. I work in marketing and I know how hard it is to sum up something subjective like this in a nice blue roundel, but your wording has resulted in a wasted purchase and frustration.
Finally, your returns policy is equally frustrating. I know you guys are just a relatively small business that are doing a great job overall, and probably can’t process loads of frivolous returns, the fact you won’t take back an opened bag because you can’t resell it (by the way, the bag that I have opened won’t re-seal, because the seal was covered in the powder in transit before it was delivered, which wasn’t my fault) is so annoying as now I’m left with a bag of powder that I won’t drink. I also assume that I need to pay for postage myself as there’s no prepaid label to download? Will this be reimbursed into my account? Why should it be upon myself to pay more money to send back something that’s been falsely advertised? Would it really impact your bottom line that much to give a customer (who intends on staying a customer, just with the old taste next time) free returns? If I’m wrong about this, please let me know. As that’s what your returns page is implying.
Anyways, I thought I’d give my thoughts as I genuinely love (most of) your product, and it’s really helped me with watching what I’m putting into my body.