Received my first order today, arrived after lunch which is a shame as I was hoping to try the Mexican chili. Unfortunately did not received the pot and any scoops.
Can these he added/purchased?
Many thanks
Hey Darren, thanks so much for ordering H&S! I’m so sorry you didn’t receive your scoop or pot. Could you please email us on with your order number and the team will look into this for you!
@Tim_Huel Can you confirm if EU customers still don’t have access to the official Huel H&S Pots?
I’d like to get/buy one as it will be more convenient than a regular pot without the water mark.
Sure! Since around end of September now first time EU customers of Hot & Savoury have been receiving a pot with their first orders. However today we have been rolling out an update to our site where you guys can add a single pot to your orders! We still have a few sites to go (bear with us you’ve caught me out!), but most EU sites you can add a Pot to your order for £4!
Please behold…The Pot
Thanks @Tim_Huel
The last order I received of H&S was on September 24th 2020, that came without the Pot.
On November 10th 2020 I made a new order of Mexican Chilli. Will I receive a free Pot with this order?
You will not receive a pot. Existing customers are not being fulfilled with a Pot. To reitterate.
- First time customers of Hot & Savoury who ordered from late September onwards started to be fulfilled with a Pot
- EU customers who ordered Hot & Savoury for the first time prior to that you would not have received with a Pot
- If you are placing 2nd/3rd orders of Hot & Savoury from October onwards we are not fulfilling them with Pots
- Since yesterday anyone is able to add single pots to existing orders, or place orders for single pots
Hope that’s clear! You just need to add one to your next order!