New v3.1 Bars are available!

I wouldn’t exactly say they were that soft and gooey, quite firm actually, but certainly softer and chewier than V3.0. Mind you, my house is not that warm (currently around 16C) so perhaps this is why.

I’m just munching a coffee caramel to make sure I wasn’t imagining the gooeychewiness!
Definitely soft and moist and chewy :yum:

Heat is definitely a factor. I just microwaved one for 15 seconds and it was amazing.



So - you’ve had the recommended daily allowance by 1pm… and you’re halfway through your scientific challenge… are you still enjoying the bars? And more importantly - how’s your guts?!

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So far this challenge has been anything but. I’m definitely going to microwave the rest though - they’re much nicer that way.

Guts are fine, everything is fine.


Two for breakfast, two for lunch…
How the hell did you manage THREE mid morning snacks?!
And are you going to survive on only three more from 1.30pm to bedtime?
At your rate of eating, we may need to make this the ‘Full Box’ challenge.
15 would be easy :laughing:

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My eating habits are disordered as hell. I quite often do “accidental OMAD” by bingeing like crazy in the morning, then not eating for the rest of the day.


They aren’t as satiating as “proper” Huel. I wonder if it’s due to the extra sugar. They aren’t really high in sugar but they’re much higher than Huel powder.

Yesterday I had 8g of sugar, today will be 76g!

I find them fairly satiating but then again I haven’t attempted to go a day on nothing but bars :joy:

76g is quite a lot :astonished: (I think. Sounds a lot anyway!)

They’re 15% sugar. For a snack bar that’s not bad. For a Huel product that’s very high.

From the NHS website:
“Added sugars shouldn’t make up more than 5% of the energy (calorie intake) you get from food and drink each day. This is about 30g of sugar a day for those aged 11 and over.

  • more than 22.5g of total sugars per 100g is high
  • 5g of total sugars or less per 100g is low”

A Huel bar contains 15g of sugars in the form of carbohydrates per 100g so that’s “medium” sugar content.
No idea how much is ‘added’ sugars. I guess the brown rice syrup and concentrated grape juice would count as added sugars, with the remaining sugars coming from the oats and rice.


This is interesting…
V2 bars were 17.3% sugars
V3 bars were 15.8% sugars
So V3.1 bars are actually the lowest in sugar per 100g than the previous ones despite their sweeter taste and softer texture

Yeah it’s good that they keep lowering the sugar content. I remember reading that they need it or the bars are just crumbly miserable bricks of sadness. And it doesn’t matter as much because they aren’t intended as a primary source of nutrition.

Personally I think for a snack bar, the sugar content is perfect.
If I take one for mid-bike-ride for example, I need some quick release energy in the form of sugars, and some slower release energy to keep me going.
The Huel bar has both :+1:t2:
I have previously used SIS energy bars which are pretty much all quick release carbs and sugars. I’ve tried Pulsin pea protein bars which are ridiculously delicious (if you’re a weirdo like me who loves pea protein and cacao powder :laughing::yum::drooling_face:) but they are not balanced nutrition and are mostly protein and sugar.
Oh and I have a box of pHd nutrition caramel flapjacks and ‘birthday cake’ bars - they are absolutely disgusting (IMO) - really really sweet. That could just be me tho. I really don’t like overly sweet stuff.

The Huel bars are the best I’ve tried out of all of them (I’ve tried loads more snack bars than what I listed above).
I didn’t think I was going to be happy if they made them too chewy and delicious, because I was worried I would eat the whole box in one day.
But actually, I really love these v3.1. My favourite version so far. And I’ve been having only one a day so my fears of scoffing the lot were unfounded

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Nothing dramatic has happened. I fancy eating an eleventh though.


I am a girl of my word. DM me your address and choice of flavour and I’ll send you a chocolate or coffee caramel.

If you make it to 15 I’ll send you one of each :joy:
Actually, I feel bad for encouraging you. Stop now! Your guts may have a delayed reaction and I would feel responsible

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10 seconds makes a heck of a diffence :yum:


Ah, that’s kind of you, but I don’t think I’ve earned it. It’s just food. A fully grown man ate 2000 calories. I was actually hoping for some drama, like mild cramps or earth-shattering farts.

Yeah I did one for 30 seconds and it was a sexy puddle. I recommended 15 because you can still eat it like a bar.

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Yeah me too. Very disappointing :joy:
It’s good to know though - you can eat double the recommended amount and not ruin your intestines.

In the name of science, Well Done :partying_face:

You deserve some crisps and beer

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It does feel like they’ve been overcautious with the recommended amount. I’ve been on a high-fibre diet for months though; maybe a Huel newbie would go off like a firecracker after five bars.