Ordering a Second Shaker

I’ve looked and i can’t seem to find a way to do this…

Can I add a frosted shaker to my new sub delivery, I’m not in desperate need and ideally would prefer to not have to order one and pay for delivery, considering I have a scheduled delivery every 4 weeks.

Is his actually possible, as I can’t seem to find a way to do it?


I want to know this as well for the same reason

send a mail to customer services and i’ll sure they’ll sort it out

Thanks mate will give that a go. Cheers.

We don’t allow people to add accessories to their subscriptions, the reason is that there isn’t a way currently to only add something to one subscription. Therefore if you add a shaker and forget to remove it after receiving it then you’ll continue to receive one with every order - which clearly isn’t ideal!

If you do want a shaker added for a one off subscription charge then drop the CS team an email and I’m sure they can facilitate this once! :blush:

Thanks for the reply Tim - as you suggested CS were fantastic and replied and were more than happy to add to my next subscription, with that said I am so happy with Huel I’ve added a second sub for my step-daughter so I just added my extra shaker to that order.

Next thing to try is probably the Huel Bars… I am getting into this rather quickly as I’m enjoying my Huel journey so far.

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