Hi there,
Huel Newbie - received my Bestseller Bundle today and not only am I enjoying it but my 8yo and 4yo boys are in on the action, demanding I share - how rude!!! 
I really like the Salted Caramel Black but interested if any of the other flavours are slightly less sweet (but not completely unflavoured). Appreciate that flavour preferences are quite subjective but welcome views from those that have tried a range of flavours.
Thanks in advance,
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Welcome, glad you’re enjoying it! Salted caramel black is one of my favourites, but I have to be in the right mood or it can be too sweet for me too. Chocolate is much more earthy than sweet and it’s nice mixed with oat milk. Strawberries and cream is really nice without being too sweet as well. I don’t drink coffee but maybe that would be worth trying for you?
There’s always ways to make them a bit less sweet too- like I love adding a teaspoon of cinnamon to original flavour.
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Thanks for the message, Lynn! I would say that Salted Caramel is one of the sweetest flavours (imo). So many of the other flavours would probably be right for you. Banana springs to mind. It is sweet, but the flavour is quite a natural banana smoothie flavour, as opposed to a Banana milkshake (unlike our RTD). Many people take Unflavoured and mix it with a flavour to bring the sweetness down too, so perhaps consider this with your Salted Caramel!
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Thanks @Herbivore and @Tim_Huel - really appreciate your replies and suggestions. That’s good to know re chocolate, banana and S&C flavours (had assumed the latter two might be very sweet but will definitely experiment a bit). I have seen others on forums suggest mixing with coffee or adding cacao so might give those a go too, just to mix (literally) things up a bit! 
Adding unsweetened plant milk mellows out the sweetness of all the flavours in my opinion. Or mixing in a little unflavoured powder.
Just be careful which plant milk you choose.
My personal favourite is Oatly.
My least favourite is alpro because it makes the shakes reeeeally thick. (If you like a thicker texture this is a bonus however!)
I also really like the Lidl unsweetened Almond milk but obviously it only works with certain flavours because it has a strong taste
Thanks @ChristinaT - My 4yo is allergic to dairy, egg and soya so we are big fans of Oatly and unsweetened almond (highly recommend the unsweetened vanilla by Califia Farms) in this house. I’ve been using that with my Salted Caramel Black so far and it’s really nice, and my 4yo gets really excited that he can sample it too - bonus! 
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