Realistic hopes for 2024(?)

Making the v3.1 range gluten free would be a better option if it didn’t increase the price. I presume though even with the operational savings made and by streamlining the SKU’s it’s still more expensive to use GF certified oats.

Well, with this year’s widespread global crop failures, choking of supplies and all round general chaos in farming in general – it’s pretty reasonable to expect oat supplies to increase in cost and be less available in the coming year.

Oat production has been on the decline for a few years now. It’s not one of the most profitable crops to grow. Here in Scotland I think production this year is expected to be down to the lowest level since 2014. Russia is the biggest producer. Not sure where Huel source theirs.

last time I saw it being discussed - their Oats were sourced from the UK - dunno if thats changed.

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The alternative would be maltodextrine. Maybe inuline to substitute the fibre that would normally come from oats. Such a powder would have a better solubility than both black and white edition. Black Edition is very heavy on protein and fats, which makes it barely soluble.

and he was made a lord, to boot!


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Knighthoods don’t mean a lot. Even Paula Vennells has got one.

But peerages do… humming a merry tune, back to the trough.

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I thought you had to be a nonce to get a knighthood. Savile, Harris, Cyril Smith, Stuart Hall, Peter Morrison etc.

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can 2024 be the year we get less everything else and more old school tim


Bringing back the nutrition bars. Used to eat them every day for my lunch. I’d like them without the chocolate coating and at least 200 calls like before.


Since when do we tell you what we are planning? :sweat_smile:

My reply has to be at least 10 characters long, so no.

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I can feel the entitled outrage brewing - or maybes its the 10 shots of coffee today - it’s a 50/50 call :wind_face:

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Are those who want “old school” stuff the customers who bring most money for the company?

Noticed that Complete Protein and Essentials are conspicuously absent from the product range photos recently and slipped to the bottom of the bundle lists – getting a makeover or the morgue I wonder?

Yikes. Would be sorry to see Essential go.

Oh, I just noticed on the front page too they’re not there.

I can’t imagine they’d remake or even kill the protein after it had a facelift six months ago, but I’d be devastated. We go through six bags a month :frowning:

Phil! This is a thread for hopes.

I hope they’re just keeping Essential out of the limelight because “cheap Huel for povvos” doesn’t fit their marketing plans. Don’t actually kill it, Huel, just throw a blanket over it when people visit.

edit: I notice on the Powders page, Essential doesn’t get a little plinth and tasteful background like the others. It’s so basic they photographed it in the void between realities.


fuelling the hopes by sprinkling on a little drama

the plinths were asking too much in royalties for commercial licenses. Hearts of stone those plinths.

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