
Hi l am new to Heul , l been taking it for 2 months now, banana, and strawberry and cream.
Why dont they do samples. Only because l don’t want to spend £28.00 and not like it .
Cheers Paul

They don’t do samples because if you don’t like it they won’t make much money off you on a 2 quid sample. It’s all part of the Huel money making scheme.


Hey Paul, I wouldn’t worry. Avoid the unflavoured option and they’re all good. Some are favourites, some aren’t so much, but they’re all good enough to finish the whole bag and to enjoy. Nothing should get wasted.

Order a couple of different ones and you can also mix them together if you like. If one isn’t so much to your taste it can still mix well with another. Banana/Chocolate, Coffee/Vanilla… etc.

Yer sounds a good idea cheers,

I am old lol , not that Internet savy


Just ignore him. He is a grumpy sod.


PS the unflavoured powder is useful, but I have to mix it with other flavours to enjoy it. On its own it’s a bit too earthy for me. Mixed with other flavours it just takes the sweetness back and dials down the flavours. Handy if you find any of them too strong.

Have you tried Salted Caramel yet? Mmmmm…

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Yeah, it’s a shame they don’t do samples I’m looking at you mint choc chip. I had to just go through that bag. I think I mixed it with chocolate which made it a little more palatable for me

we mix them up as well as some by themselves are not quite right for our palettes:
Vanilla with either Chocolate or Banana
Chocolate with Salted Carmel or Banana

I do wish they did smaller bags for trying - even it was a multipack with 2 or 4 scoops of every flavour in so you still had to pay about the same fort a bag, you just got the opportunity to try loads.

We tried each of the premade bottles before buying into the powder, not perfect but it showed us which we would not get on with (Strawberry & Cream for us)


Hi yer first month l bought 2 banana, 2nd month l bought strawberry and cream , and l bought mushroom pasta lol .
So have been mixing strawberry and banana.
Thus month l have ordered vanilla and strawberry and cream.
I did notice that protein works do small trail packs .

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If you’re only planning to have Huel every so often, then the RTD is probably more affordable and convenient for you - and available at supermarkets now and in some shops. There’s your sample.

But if you’ve bought into the long-term, practical and sustained benefits, of having something like Huel as a part or focal point of your diet plan then Huel Powder remains your most affordable and flexible / convenient option at around half the cost per shake. And if you’re interested in this, then one bag / 17 meals is enough for your to try it over a few weeks to really feel the difference or try it on for size in your everyday life. That’s Huel’s usual response to this and it makes sense.

I tried the vanilla Huel from Holland & Barratt last year before making the commitment of a £50 spend. I liked it and haven’t looked back since. It’s the core of my diet now. My mood, energy levels and other things have been so much better since my sustained intake of Huel - I was clearly lacking something(s) before, who knows what. Even the hair on my arms and chest is stronger / growing back quicker now!!! hahaha Needless to say, one of each flavour, as a one off, probably wouldn’t have given my body enough time to feel benefits or react to Huel.

…that, and the logistics. Probably doesn’t pay for itself for Huel to package and send out small samples. I know other companies do it, but at the end of the day, many of those are underdogs with a much smaller customer base (for now) who need to be giving customers something extra in an attempt to appeal as much as, or ‘better than’, or convert Huelligans over. Personally I’ve been tempted to try some but even with their sample packs, I’m very hesitant to change something that’s working for me. Unless Huel put prices up drastically or changed something major, I wouldn’t go to the effort. Such products do exist if you’re interested though.