Say HELLO to new Complete Nutrition Bars

I know this is not supposed to be a ”protein bar” but when it says “high protein” I would expect more than the 13 grams you get from one bar.

I think it’s relative to what standard alternatives are and pretty common to how nutrition or complete bars are marketed. It’s clearly not the same as Grenade High protein bars content for sure, but compared to direct rival bars that also market themselves the same way – it is, like Plenny Bars for example that are 20g per 100g while the new Huel bars are 26g per 100g.

oh my god … just tried the chocolate caramel (they both arrived this morning) and it’s delicious! Even though the bars are cold from being in the delivery van, I don’t have the problem the old bars had of them being like chewing an old shoe :grin: the chocolate outside crunches like eating a magnum, it’s sweet and stodgy, the caramel part isn’t too gooey … love these. Great product :heart_eyes:


I might give these a go look nice have never touched the previous bars since i cracked a veneer biting into it most expensive protein bar i have ever had :rofl:

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It would be great if these were available in the shops individually.

I tend to buy the Trek and Fulfill ones which are about £2 and have 15g of protein, low sugar, and around 200 kcal. Not sure how “complete” they are.

I buy them when I fancy a chocolate bar or snack, and the protein content and low sugar makes me feel less bad.

I probably wouldn’t buy a box of them as I’d probably eat them all very quickly!

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Yes, exactly this!! I have been using both the black and the white bars as meal replacements for a long time. I regularly eat 4-6 bars per day when I’m busy, travelling or watching my weight. I rely on them being hard enough that they take me a while to eat, that they travel well in the bottom of a bag, that they’re nice but not majorly sweet so they don’t feel like I’m eating an actual chocolate bar and that I’m not tempted to overeat. With the reduction in calories I’d have to eat at least 1 more per day, so the cost goes up. And there’s bound to be quite a wait for variety, which matters to those of us who sometimes live on them. Coup you’re totally right - it would be perfect if they offered these new snack/treat style bars alongside at least one of the original options as they’re used quite differently.


You can add individual bars to BYOB if you don’t wanna commit just yet.

Welcome to the Huel forum Lizzie! Thanks for taking the time to share, 4-6 bars a day is on the higher end of what I usually hear people consume, would you not consider Huel black edition or V3.1 powder if your needs are so high? Nonetheless, I certainly hear where you’re coming from and will be sure to share your feedback with the wider team! :green_heart:

Received my order including a box of the chocolate caramel and a single of peanut one yesterday and tried one of each. My thoughts:

  • I like peanuts but not peanut butter (yep, I know it’s the same thing, but I find the taste, not just the texture, to be totally different between the two). That’s why I got just a single of this version to test. I found this bar to be more ‘peanut butter’ than ‘peanut’ flavour, so won’t be ordering those again, but that’s just my preference, not an issue with the product.
  • Chocolate caramel: absolutely to my taste! I didn’t mind the flavour of the old bars, but this is definitely a step-up in taste, texture, and appearance, and if it makes sense when talking about food, just a more ‘professional’ product overall.
  • I was a bit nervous of the high Maltitol content - unfortunately, here I was right to be. Oh my, the gas output ‘the other end’ has been insane, and oh so smelly :mask: Hopefully having just one rather than two as a test will be a bit more manageable, but seems like it will have to be an occasional treat for when I don’t have to be sociable.
  • Even if you don’t have same issue as my above point, I agree with other comments in this thread that they do seem to be aiming for the ‘chocolate bar’ market rather than eating them as food.

I really liked the old white bars. Some flavours anyway. Was sad to see them go but I trust Huel had their business reasons.

I tried the other flavour today and wow. Like a Mars bar.

Personally I think they are great. And a huge improvement on the old black bars. Both gorgeous flavour

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@amie_huel please could you confirm with thd nutrition people the mass of maltalol syrup and powder per bar.
Thank you

100% agree with this

It’s crazy that the sugar alcohol content is not in the nutrition facts.
Every bar I’ve purchased in the last 20 years has the amount of sugar alcohols listed right below sugar content

Further to the thoughts of @Coup above which I entirely agree with: this morning I had to rush out to help an elderly family member at 6 am. I grabbed a raspberry 3.1 bar which went down very well with a cup of tea. No way I would have taken one of the new chocolate bars.

So - is there room for both? Maybe the 3.1 or similar could be branded as a “breakfast” bar type thing - I’m thinking of the belvita market alongside the new chocolate bar.


The reality is that if it were selling well enough, it wouldn’t have been killed.
The old bars are not coming back.

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that must be true, tho’ maybe if there was enough demand there might be a new basic bar at some stage - like an Essential Bar?

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It doesn’t necessarily mean the old bars performed poorly, but they obviously believe they can sell more with the new bar. But, as some of us are highlighting, the two recipes of bar are so different they don’t completely compete against each other, and there maybe enough room to sell both bars.

I think the number of bars bought by people who consume them on a regular basis (like 6+ a week) is going to plummet, as I can’t see people eating chocolate covered caramel bars in those quantities. If Huel are happy to replace those sales by thousands more 1-2 bars a week customers then so be it, but that market which they had a product for before is still there.


Maybe someone has a recipe for a home-made Huel bar - preferably without baking - a simple way to press powder into a solid form? The caramel sauce could be optional.

There used to be a recipes section on the website which had some cooking with Huel recipes. There’s no link to it any more from the home page, you can only find it with Googles help.

Just had my second one.
There is a weird coconut - like taste which I don’t like.
Much prefer the old ones.