Small wishlist for Huel

It’s 66mg per 400 kcal…and 330mg per 2000 kcal. Together with various caffeinated drinks this is above the daily recommended dose…

Are you talking about yourself in these “hypothetical” situations? Because of you are, then it sounds like you have a serious addiction to caffeine.

If you’re unable to quit drinking 100% coffee Huel every day, maybe try switching to low-caffeine drinks. But don’t go cold turkey or you’ll get migraines.

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You can always buy unflavoured and add some drops of chicory coffee (Also in the UK known as camp coffee) which is entirely caffeine free but it does give a nice coffee flavour.

I added some to Huel Black Choc edition as an experiment and it’s fine. I just prefer my morning huel to have caffeine in it.

But still, lots of options out there.

Are you still banging this ridiculous drum?

I don’t think anybody expected coffee flavoured Huel to be used for 2000kcal every day and to keep asking Huel take the caffeine out of coffee Huel would be equally as ridiculous and would annoy and confuse the 99% of people who use coffee Huel once a day probably for breakfast.


Agree @Coup All this endless fuss about caffeine does my head in. If you don’t want something with caffeine in, don’t buy it. Simple!


Listen to Faith No More while drinking your decaff

@Bee, @Coup, it’s not that simple. It’s clear that mbs has attempted to go 100% coffee Huel, despite being repeatedly told that it’s not intended for that, and that it would be a bad idea. They have a severe caffeine addiction and have seized on the words “100% nutrition” and twisted them, as an excuse to indulge their dependency. It’s too late to say “just don’t buy it”. They’re hooked, they haven’t slept in weeks, and they’re unable to stop themselves.

Their only hope is for coffee Huel to cease to exist, so they continue to push for that, despite it being, on the surface, an utterly daft thing to ask for.

No one else seems to have realised this, but I’m very empathetic and I know a cry for help when I see one. This is one of only two possible logical explanations. The other is that they’re trolling us, but I prefer to think the best of people.


Oops someone must have put some cold turkey in my Huel even though I’m vegetarian. I can feel a migraine coming on.

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What a fowl thing to do.

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You’re right, a suffered under caffeine addiction. And tried to get away from it with some tricks - decaf that tastes like a caffeinated drink. Must sound weird, but yes, it has become a relevant problem. But sure, this is my problem and not the problem of someone else or a company.
On the other hand the thread is called “wishlist” - so why not articulate a personal wish?

or a White Choc/raspberry combo perhaps

perhaps also a Black Edition RTD…

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I would like to have the option to order a version of Huel powder without probiotics.

Version 3.0 of Huel didn’t agree with me from the start and ended up making me quite unwell. By a process of elimination, I narrowed down the cause to the probiotics in Huel (and probiotics more generally).

Huel 2.2 and 2.3 were perfect for me; vegan, convenient allowed me to control calories and with a low glycaemic index.


Thanks for all the suggestions guys, keep 'em coming! We’re reading them all :blush:

I want a H&S without whole linseeds! If you can make all the other varieties without whole linseeds why cannot you make H&S without whole linseeds?

My stoma really doesn’t like whole linseeds. People with diverticulitis and other digestive problems who struggle with seeds (or who have been advised to eliminate hard seeds) would bless you as well!


Hey Jess, it’s not that we can’t make H&S without whole linseeds/flaxseeds, but they provide some incredible fats that are essential to the nutritional profile. I’m so sorry you’re not able to consume them. Will be sure to pass along the feedback, it’s important that Huel is able to be eaten by as many as possible - through being plant-based and allergen-free. Thanks for the feedback.

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I would love a sweet lemon flavour, like lemon cheesecake or lemon tart :lemon:


How does the nutrition work in the Black and Original Powders and nutrition bars without the whole seeds since they don’t have the whole seeds?

I fail to see how having the whole seeds is essential apart from texture, and, although one can liquidise the Hot and Savoury (to make vegetables more digestible).

Using my blending rod on the whole linseeds did NOT solve the problem — I needed to sieve the cooked meal after liquidising to get rid of the seeds. I never sieve the UU Black nor the nutrition bars (nor liquidise) — why should I need to do it for Hot & Savoury?

I see what you mean. All our products have flaxseed in, for Omega 3. However the format with which they are included is different. e.g. our powders and bars have ground flaxseeds, it is just easier to notice in the powder as it is a liquid. Flax is a finer powder in RTD which is why you might not notice them, and whole flaxseeds in H&S. The main reason for not having ground flaxseed in H&S is the texture as I’ve mentioned. It’s a whole grain product and I think is what you would expect from it, so this was a conscious choice. The other reason is cost, generally the finer you go the more expensive it becomes.

Edit: One other point, the texture would be weird if we used ground flaxseeds in H&S, as they are very water absorbent and would go gelatinous.

As this is a wishlist, I have some to add:

Hot & Sweet. I’d really love some kind of hot chocolate, but I also think a dedicated porridge or hot dessert type thing would be great. I’ve even sorted the flavours: rice pudding, vanilla custard, apple/rhubarb crumble, eaton mess, chocolate brownie, cookie dough. Being completely honest if you could make it so I could eat 400 calories of nutritionally complete hot dessert that would probably be my favourite thing ever.

I know we can make the shakes thicker and make them hot ourselves but I think something like hot & savoury would be amazing with sweet flavours. With little pieces of fruit instead of vegetables.

Also, Huel Noodles (I’d especially like it if they were called Hoodles but it’s not a deal breaker). Either a hot and savoury flavour with pasta (we all know it has to be mac and cheese right??) or a supernoodle type situation.

And finally, as always, I hope you’re working on a hot and savoury festive mush flavour for Christmas this year! That suggestion is the reason I made an account in the first place and I will never stop waiting for it. :christmas_tree: