So so hungry. What am I doing wrong?

Maybe I’ll try that, Julian. It’s just 500 calories for each serving sounds like an awful lot when you think that I’d have had, for example, two bits of toast for breakfast and that would total about 200. If I needed to take 500 calories every two hours (although actually I lasted about 2.5 this morning on three scoops), that would be an insane amount of calories for me.

Height - 5 foot 6, weight, a little over 300 (I don’t want to post the exact figure publicly), age mid 40s, female. I am extremely sedentary due to a medical condition; I do my physiotherapy in the mornings and try to do 10-15 minutes on the exercise pedals but I don’t go to the gym or walk or anything due to chronic pain.

I really really like the product; I’ve often said that if there was a pill I could take that would take care of all my nutritional needs I would do it in a heartbeat so I can remove food from my life. Like when you give up smoking and use NRT. This is pretty close (also, it’s delicious!), and I think it could be a great solution for me, but the amount of calories I would seem to need to consume to stop being so physically hungry that I feel like passing out just seems like too much for me to lose on. That said, I really really want to make this work so all suggestions are welcome.

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