Storage of Huel (To avoid the annoying seal on bag)

:frowning: i want to save it here. Shoul I find other kind of container then?

Huel should not be exposed to natural light for long periods. Doing so degrades the nutrients. Can you not put the container inside a cupboard?

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Yes you should, I love how the look and feel. But they are not good enough.

I like a lot the design, maybe with a vinyl I could do something

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Do you not have a cupboard to put them in? My containers are 3.9 litres which means they hold a whole bag of Huel. They are kept in a cupboard.


Yes I could but I like the convenience of having them always visible

Surely the inconvenience of vinyl wrapping containers (which you then somehow need to wash) is more inconvenient than opening a cupboard door?


A vinyl imitating the Huel design language

Its about convenience and design.

And where are you going to get that?

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A friend of mine is a proffesional of vinyls, he told me that can be done but only washed by hand

Huel should think about developing an official container or storage, most of us would buy at least a pair of them

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They did. It’s called a bag with a zip.


Hahahaha but I am and old school boy, and I like it organised in containers with the same size. I do like the bag a lot, but after years with huel… I need something more “professional” so I would try my own solution. I will post here with whatever I finally use

Or painting the outside?

I have a feeling you will like these containers @airiartev
The KiloVac holds 1kg or 3.8litres apparently.
The light-proof ones come in black or white - so Huel colours for you.
They vacuum seal so will keep the Huel even longer than the supplied pouch.
And would look pretty smart on the kitchen counter.
I personally have not purchased them so cannot vouch for their quality.


Nah… After discussing with some friends the best solution seems a ceramic pot. Its quit difficult to apply the vinyl or painting.

Something like this, but i want to be more rectangular

Yes that would look great.

P.s. Tought we were friends
*cries in spanish


I am spanish and I always die with that meme hahaha

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Just spotted these in the Ocado app:

One would almost think I did it on purpose :nerd_face: