Switched from Jimmy Joy to Huel. A short review

I have personnally switched to Jimmy Joy Plenny Shake active since 6 months, after several months on Huel.

I much prefer JJ on taste, texture, price, packaging (bigger bags) AND because huel is WAY too sweet for me, while the U&U version is horrible to me (i can’t even drink it).
I’ve given a try to Huel v3 and dislike it.
Another problem with Huel is the miscibility. It is hard to have a perfectly smooth mix while it is super easy with JJ.

Last point, i much prefer JJ shakers.

Talking about the bars, I just can’t eat Huel bars while i love twenny bars.

I still think Huel and JJ PS Active (not the regular versions) are the best products on market but that JJ wins.


I find if you remember to use/don’t lose the barrier this prevents the powder flying into the spout. Although the theatrics of the puff of Huel on opening is fun too.



Curious as to which Huel version you use? Is it v3.0 already? (Which is supposedly more solvable?)

I am doing the v2.something with approx 25g / 100ml and it solves very well, but I do shake it like it owes me money. (I don’t count in scoops, cause of variance and now there’s 2 different scoops around, too… nice confusion^^)

I first used a batch of v2.3, and now a batch of v3.0.

As I stated in my “Consistency and Settlement in the shaker” part:

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I switched from JJ to Huel because JJ’s new formula made their shake too water-like and it didn’t feel like a meal.
I like Huel’s thick consistency and truly hope that they won’t make their meal feel like drinking water.

My solution for that was using much less water, and then it’s perfect without any clumps.

I was intrigued after hearing about JJ on here but from my quick search it seems maltodextrin is high on the list of ingredients which is an instant turn off for me. Shame as I would have liked to try.

Like Huel, they’ve got a high protein version. That doesn’t contain maltodextrin. I haven’t tried it though - the creepy texture of the standard version put me off.

I did look at JJ back in the day - but for long haul overseas deliveries, their costs are cripplingly expensive - an equivalent product delivery would be almost double what it is for Huel to get it here.

Yes the classic line is not the one to go.
You should give a try to Pleny shake active (XXL bags).
No malto, high protein (soy though).

I’m not saying JJ PS Active XXL is a better product than Huel powder. They are just differents in many aspects and i personnally prefer JJ. The major problem with huel is the very high sweet taste. I would love to have a version that contains 50% if not 75% less sweeteners. The problem with JJ can be (depending on you) the use of soy protein.

I have never tried the Black edition yet. I’m about to give it a try, just by curiosity and because the macro split can be useful.

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Hi vanquish,

If it weren´t for the soy isolated protein and flour I would also see JJ PS Active XXL as a bigger improvement regarding older versions ( no maltodextrin, fluoride, isomaltose). But since the most widely used process to extract soy protein and oils is trough hexane ( although I think there are already some other processes ) I prefer a safer choice, since I don´t see as mandatory manufacturers disclosing their extraction process, because they´re legal.

Living in Europe the legal limits to producer regarding Hexane can be seen in Annex I, Part II of https://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=OJ:L:2009:141:0003:0011:EN:PDF .

And since Is a somewhat cloudy area, and only found old studies in mice, I´m not a fan/user of soy based foods.


Sorry but these documents are quite long.
So you are saying there is a toxicity problem for all products that contain soy protein and soy flour?

Just mentioning that they can have some hexane residue left. And that is legal and allowed within certain amounts. Don’t know if trying to get info from manufacturers or some lab tests they know or will disclose that information.
No issue for me, because I only use Huel.


There’s a guy who has exclusively consumed Plenny shake for years and his blood tests (https://altfoodschallenge.com/phloatingman/#blood-test) are always fine. The hate against soy is completely unfounded.

Hi KarlBerg,

Regarding Soy/Soya products there were always be biased opinions on each side ( as they are on the vegan vs non-vegan debate). Giving information and let people reach their own conclusions and just not just accepting the flow of “studies”, many of them financed closely by corporations - some times transparently - on each side of the fence cannot, IMHO, be seen as hate. I simply don´t like too see things at their face value.

If information was widely available, regarding the real hexane amount residue remaining, doubts will be cleared and I would recover the lost confidence in consuming processed and unfermented soy products.

But I don´t see any soy products manufacturer doing that. If you can add some information on it I will be grateful.

Regarding the other side of the fence, here´s an opinion - some will see it as biased - from a well known UK brand that states why not using soy on their products ( they have a plant based protein option aside their main whey range):

Also, looking from the soy side, there are some “studies” defending it´s value, endorsed by Dr. Mark Messina:

Take your chances and make your pick of the protein type you like to use. I will do the same.
Regarding the years of consumption of a person of Plenny Shake I cannot call it a trial or human study since the limited sample size. If we were talking on a human trial, with several people from diferent ages and habits, living solely on it during some years, probably some strong conclusions would appear.


For every type of shake or food you will find an article that seems to give a “proof” that it is unhealthy, toxic, full of harmfull side effects. And other articles that claim the opposite.

If someone suggested to add conventional food to a Huel diet no one would protest - but when someone comes up with a different kind of shake the “war” begins…quite interesting.