On the subject of spam, have some of this: Monty Python SPAM - YouTube
it even has Vikings to keep the Swedes happy.
Swedish subscribers were definitely emailed about this.
You’re welcome and ok then.
That’s the same here in Germany. I also get a lot of non-relevant / uninteresting Huel “spam” lately. Unless it’s new products or recipe changes I’m not interested. Please stop this, because this will make me unsubscribe and then I will really miss new product announcements.
I like them!..makes me feel wanted!
nah but seriously…there are some that I’m not interested in (just like with every company you buy from) but I just delete them…no biggie
Imagine if instead of emails Huel provided all the newsletters/articles in a free-subscription printed magazine, arriving by post to all those who had specifically requested it.
Would we complain that not every single article was always exactly what we each individually want to read? Or would we understand that some articles are bound to be of more interest to other readers than to ourselves, and just turn the pages to find what we want?
So maybe complaints about the one-size-fits-all Huel email service are a symptom of internet-age individualism, in that we’ve become so used to algorithmically personalized services that we’re impatient with old-fashioned shared community experience? Just a thought.
I’m quite happy that Huel doesn’t target me with emails which the company has decided are the only ones I want to read. Don’t profile me, send me everything and I can pick and choose for myself.
I love you.
3 posts were merged into an existing topic: It’s finally here. A way to build your own Huel bundle and not have to buy two of the same pouches!
I think I’d just say the number of emails from Huel has increased quite a lot. I also would prefer only to hear more product or company related news (a la Square Root Soda emails which are always fun and tell you random stuff some of the staff have been up to). I pretty much delete all emails from Huel now by a glance at the subject. I’m also weird and can’t have unread deleted emails, so mark them as read before deleting (not sure whether the image link things can decipher the difference).
Same here. I get emails more regularly than I want. Despite having changed my preferences to restrict emails to ‘new products and updates only’ the ‘spam’ emails keep on coming…
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