Huel marketing e-mails

I’ve had Huel for about a month so far.

I signed up on the Huel website to keep informed but I’ve just unsubscribed because the volume of e-mails / marketing from Huel is too much. It seems to be multiple times per week and whilst I love Huel, I don’t want to get e-mails from them that many times. I’m only interested in hearing from Huel at most once a week - or even less - so that I can basicaly keep up to date with new flavours coming out (e.g. Huel Black peanut butter :grinning: ) and other newsworthy items.

Is there such a maling list or do I have to subscribe and get multiple e-mails every week ?


To be honest I’ve just unsubscribed as well. I don’t remember it being like this in the past but just recently I’ve received like 4 a week which I simply don’t have time for.

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I just want the emails for the articles, but hate the emails telling me about huel with no information, that I already don’t know…just asking me to purchase huel.

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This is something we’re working on but we appreciate the feedback - at the moment you have to be subscribed to all or nothing, but hopefully, this is something we can fix in the future.

In the meantime though you can follow along with our social pages for all the latest on product launches.

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