The second laziest person on the forum

I’ve tried making one up in advance and leaving it in the fridge, but as it turns out this is no guarantee that I will actually drink it. Then I find it the next morning, have a mini mental debate about if it’s still OK to drink, then usually end up throwing it down the sink that evening and hating myself. Anyone got any advice? Serious advice, not puns please!

they are usually good for upto 24 hours in the refrigerator but wouldn’t go anymore than that - it will be immediately obvious to you on the first sip if its soured or not :slight_smile:

I’ve drunk one after around 30 hours and it was fine. I wish I had some good advice, but if I make it in advance I always manage to drink it. Sometimes I drink it in addition to some junk, but I drink it.

Do you like Huel? That helps a lot! I like it a lot more now I’ve starting having it regularly. But that’s not much of a solution since you need to drink it in order to like it enough to want to drink it.

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It was meant to be crescendough…alas the spell check put it as two words and I didn’t notice.


Oh that’s a relief. I thought you had a tiny orgasm at your own wit.


What size was you orgasm?

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More than an ugh, I can tell you.

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ugh! My imagination has gone haywire…and not in a good way.

Maybe your phone has some kind of virus?

…a yeast infection?


I make mine the night before because in the morning I can talk myself out of it more easily. In the evening I’ll go in the kitchen at some point so make myself prep it then as there’s no excuse. If I want two for the next day I make them both and stick them in the fridge.

Forgot to say, hilarious puns :laughing:

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I think my problem is more along the lines of not really liking or enjoying Huel, as David suggested. Funny thing is the times when I do force myself to drink it, I don’t hate it, but I couldn’t say I actually enjoy it. It’s much more of a functional process - I’m at work, I’ve brought along a Huel as my only option so I have to drink it, and yeah it’s fine, but I don’t get any enjoyment from it. I used to love it, but maybe I got bored or something.

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Have you tried any of the new flavours?


Or maybe you are fed up with all the sweetness and need a portion of UU with salt and e.g. italian herbs from time to time?


I’m pretty lazy, I make the night before so I can just grab it next day. In addition I use a blender so it eliminates the shaking with I can’t be bothered to do, scoop+water+blend for a few seconds = done.

The blender is a real bugbear for us lazy folk. I think Huel should make a branded blender with single use plastic jugs that have a drinking spout that we can then use once and throw the whole jug away. The ultimate in laziness/convenience.

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It’s not a lazynes thing per say or exra lazynes¿ but closing the bags 4 times a day and making sure they are closed is what puts me of something to make it. Anyone else like me?
Think I’ll just invest in some easyer usable containers :slight_smile:

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It’s the thinking ahead of time for me. I know if I make them the night before I’ll enjoy my Huel more, but at that point I’m not hungry so I just don’t see the point until the next day when I really want to drink some Huel and don’t have it ready.

I’m dabbling with a Promixx as my main blender, going to give it a couple weeks and see what I think of it, could well be the best solution all round.

I’m so lazy that once the Huel is made I get someone else to drink it for me.


I just tip it straight down the toilet.

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I’m so lazy I ju