Unflavoured/Unsweetened change of heart

So… I’ve been on the Huel bandwagon for 9 months or so now. My initial thoughts were here at that time…

So, I did not get on well with U/U. I hated it. It was so bitter and unpalatable. Having used Huel 2x daily for most of the last year though, for some reason I decided to give it another go.
My usual order is Vanilla+Originial but this time I changed to Original+UU and for the past week I have been mixing 40g of each with a flavour boost. I must say, I was wrong. The taste is certainly dulled but I know find it very nice and not as sharp as with the other sweetened flavours.

All I really wanted to say was, Never say Never. It might always be interesting to revisit the combinations/flavours that didn’t work for us at a later date!

Happy Hueling!


I much prefer the taste of UU when. Ixed with water and tried it with almond. Since then its my pteferred breakfast base. I usually nlw add bananas and frozen fruit or coffee and cacao.