Using more Huel at the expense of fibrous Vegetables?

So, I’ve recently fiddled about and changed my diet, I had another thread going on before with a similar question.

I’ve basically had to reduce my fibrous green veg intake to bump calories, and subsequently upped my huel intake.

Realistically if someone went and cut a diet rich in veg and swapped it out for Huel would the diet consisting of more Huel be inferior to that of a diet with tons of veg?

What are your opinions guys?

For the record I overthink my diet, and I’m basically trying to make my life easier as I’m having a hard time getting down 3700 calories from clean whole foods, and huel is seeming like a better and better solution when I’m short on time, which I often am.

I really don’t want to be that guy, meal prepping chicken rice and broccoli for the week every Sunday… I’d rather keep blending up stuff with Huel and saving massive amounts of time.

I just somehow feel like I’m missing out going from the cleanest diet, to a far simpler one…? :man_shrugging:

Plus as a minimalist the constant complexity of my old diet is giving me a flipping headache.

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Why does a need for bumping calories entail you need to eat less vegs? Why not just supplement your current diet with more huel to get the extra intake?

I’ve seen the Huel guys admit that IF you’re eating a nutritionally complete and balanced diet rich in vegetables and such, Huel is certainly no better and very possibly not as good an option… but that very few of us are eating that diet.

For those who are, Huel is a way to get “fast food” convenience without significantly impacting your nutritional needs. For everyone else, Huel is going to be WAY better than what they’re probably eating now. Does that make it perfect? No. But it doesn’t have to be perfect to be FAR better than most people’s diets…

First of all let me make one point clear. Huel is an excellent source for every nutrient, including vitamins and minerals.

Now, vitamin supplements vs vitamins from real food?

Most of the literature is focused whether vitamin supplementation in excess can do you any harm and trying to fine tune the specifics of each vitamin/mineral.

Nevertheless, there seems to be a consensus: vitamin supplements are not bad, but vitamins from food are “better”. As thisarticles says, supplements are great to fill the gap, but nutrients from food are most important.
I feel that the reason for this is because micronutrients in food come packed with other agents (phytonutrients, for instance) that play an important role in nutrition and how we absorbe nutrients.
This extra make food nutrients “marginally better” than vitamin&mineral mixes created in the lab.

Will it make a significant difference to you? Probably, most likely not. It is such a minor detail, so little understood, that honestly I would not worry to much about.

I think your time may (and long term burn) may be more important than this minimal health “gains”.
If you can, go for veggies. If you can’t/ can’t be arsed to don’t even think it twice, use Huel.