V1.1 of the Huel Bars now available in all variants - now Gluten-free!

Was that definitely a criticism? I too would describe them as dry, but I would say that’s not a bad thing.

Probably the best use I’ve found for the bars is after having a Huel drink, when I’ll eat about 1/4 of a Huel bar to finish off the ‘meal’. This seems to leave me satisfied that I’ve had something solid, and replaces the Huel drink after-taste with the Huel bar after-taste (much better).

So I was a bit worried to see that you were getting rid of version 1.0. However, I’ve just received v1.1 and found there’s not much difference, so I’m relieved.

If you ever do make a ‘moist’ version of the bars, I hope it’s in addition to the current version. (Also, I hope you saw my post and the preceding brief conversation, pointing out that there may be a market for an ‘edible raw cookie dough’ type product.)