Just wanted to take a moment to say thank you for all the great ideas you have given us over the past few months. As a company we pride ourselves on our openness and transparency and love making you Huelers happy! Here is a list of some of the ideas you have suggested that we have managed to put into effect:
Black t-shirts
Unsweetened & Unflavoured Huel
Less sweet version of Vanilla
Flavour systems
XXL tshirts
Payment by BitCoin
Subscription service
Black hoodies
I’m sure I have missed off a couple of items and there are some suggestions that are in the pipeline too. We hope to expand this list further and as ever you opinions are so valuable to us!
Oh, sorry, I must have been having a stupid 5 minutes. When I read that I just quickly skimmed it and assumed it was a list of things they were working on and that particular line jumped out at me.
Of course, these are things that they are working on, DOH!
Maybe it’s time for me to get off the computer and go and have a lie down