Weight gain

** Found you in a Google search. I was wondering if your products will help me gain weight as I’m very underweight. I would be grateful for any advice. Thank you.

mosey on over to the Guides and Articles section - theres a bunch of stuff there to help you out.

Huel can help you in that - it is helping me achieving the same: I simply add a Huel shake every day to my regular diet, making it easier to add calories without eating more food

What do you consider Huel to be, then, if it isn’t food?

I didn’t say it’s not food.
I said I don’t “eat” more food since I drink my Huel shake

Firstly welcome to the forum @Blue :tada:

Huel can be a great way to consume more calories and nutrients, especially if you are finding it difficult to consume enough at the moment. When it comes to gaining weight, we’d recommend calculating your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR), to help you understand roughly how many calories you should be consuming per day to help you gain weight. You can do this here :point_right: BMR Calculator

We find that it is easier to consume nutrients in the form of a liquid, which is why we’d recommend looking into one of our powdered ranges as a starting point, and the most cost-effective option available is our Huel Essential Powder, which you can find here :point_right: Huel Essential

Having said the above, we’d highly advise giving a Ready to Drink Huel a try first, which will help you decide if Huel is for you, as it has a similar taste and consistency to our powdered meals. You can buy a bottle directly from one of your local retailers, which you can find here :point_right: Huel is available in-store! Find your nearest shop now.

Let us know if you have any questions! :slightly_smiling_face:

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