If you haven't tried huel blended, please do

I started using huel using just the shaker which came with my first pack, I got on well doing this and had no problems with it. The taste, texture and flavours were all fab.

However, I decided after reading some people’s stories of adding fruit and other flavours into a blender and went out to buy one.

What a revolution. It is smoother, easier to consume and a whole lot more better to use.

I bought the above blender because of price and quantity of bottles. I wanted to try and blend a days supply the day before to allow them to chill overnight, and it’s great! The good thing about this blender is you blend straight into the bottle, limited washing up and so so so easy! Really has improved my experience with huel.

So if you haven’t tried it yet, please do. I welcome any suggestions to put inside my blender!

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Hi Seany! I completely agree, the Breville blenders are such good value for money. Those looking for a blender I would definitely recommend these above any of the more expensive brands. Have a look in the supermarkets because I have seen these for sale in Morrison’s on offer too (if you can’t wait to get your blender!). In terms of more ideas on what to put in your blender, have a look at this thread where I’m trying to collate some flavouring ideas - How do you flavour your Huel?. This should give you some food for thought!

Completely agree, using a blender is a must if you’re going long-term with Huel. The Breville blender linked above is great value for money and does the job perfectly.

That looks like a nice blender. I already bought a Philips jug blender, which I’ve been using for several weeks, but cleaning it and the standard Huel-branded shakers each time (4 of them) is a bit of a hassle.

How quick and easy are the Breville bottles to clean, compared to the Huel shakers?

Just rinse mine with warm water,fill half shake then empty. Do this 3 times and it’s usually good enough. Easy peasy.

It’s so simple. That’s what I wanted, I fill up my used bottle with warm water and a little soap and put it back on the blender. Gets everywhere. Rinse the soap off, job done.

That’s how I like it.

But how easy is it to clean the top part that attaches to the bottle, the part that you drink out of?

With the Huel-branded shakers, cleaning 4 of the tops takes me about 4-5 minutes if I do it thoroughly by hand using a scourer, reaching into every crevice, the thread on the inside, the nozzle, the circular section on the arm that closes over the nozzle, etc., rubbing hard to get all the little dried bits of flaxseed and other stuck-on remains out. In contrast, cleaning the main bottle parts is very easy and takes only a few seconds.

Everything is ‘flat’ so it sort of all flows out, I found if you rinse it under warm water and just poke a finger through the drink hole that sort of does it right.

I hate washing up, and don’t mind quickly rinsing these.

The blades themselves rinse clean in seconds.

Thanks @Seany that’s useful to know. My only concerns now are whether 600ml is enough capacity per bottle, and how easy it is to put the powder in using the scoop. I think I’ll pick up one of the spare bottles from Robert Dyas where they’re only £6.99 and see what it’s like.

I’ve blended a lot in the past so I’ve got a beastly blender with a 2L capacity. I’d definitely recommend getting a bigger capacity blender if you can afford a decent one that’ll last.

My nightly mix is 1.5L of water with 12 scoops of Huel and makes a batch of four filled shakers in under 2 minutes :slight_smile:


I can’t remember the make but someone does a similar blender but with 750 ml bottles. Personally the 600mm are perfect for me but in use about 500ml of water.

I agree with this - its almost like a different drink.

I’ve got an imitation NutriBullet from Salter that does a great job.

The scoop is easy to put into the bottle. I use around 500ml per 3 scoops and there’s room to move with the blades.

Let me know how you get on with the replacements.

Great post, thinking of getting the blender now. I make my Huel the night before and keep it in the fridge. Anyone tried blending fruit in the night before? I like the idea of putting banana in but don’t worried it might go brown and yucky by the next day. Anyone tried it?

Also with this Brevell blender, how tight are the lids? Can I chuck it in my bag without fear of it leaking?

Thanks for the comment. I do exactly that,i blend the night before (one with a bannana for breakfast) and the rest without. The only issue I’ve found with blending the banana is sometimes it goes a little “frothy” however, give it a brisk shake before drinking and it’s back to the smoothness as when first blended.

I’ve found it also gets a little thicker, but not too thick.

The lids are pretty sturdy and I chuck this in my work bag alongside tablet and other paperwork and haven’t had a problem as of yet. It’s a ‘push open’ cap so if there is something wedged underneath it, it will open, but it hasn’t happened to me yet. I don’t anticipate it at all.

I’ve suggested to other people if they don’t want to buy off amazon, keep your receipt and return it if it doesn’t fit the purpose. I did this with a nutribullet as, I just didn’t like it.

Happy blending. Let me know how you get on!

Thanks Seany, tried it and its great.

Blended the banana in last night kept in fridge till lunch today. Tasted really good! Thanks for the tip!

Brilliant! Glad you enjoyed it. Now you’ve experimented with banana, be brave and change it up! I’ve added Espresso recently and it is delicious!

I found a store today that had the Breville Blend Active in stock, so I was able to take a look. I think the bottles are narrow enough that I’ll make a mess trying to empty the scoop into them.

The Salter Nutri Pro 1000 ( http://www.robertdyas.co.uk/salter-nutri-pro-1000-silver ) uses bigger, wider bottles so I think that it would be a better choice overall. But for now I’m going to stick with the 1.75 litre Philips jug blender I’m already using.

I definitely prefer the texture and possibility of adding new flavours that blending opens up. However, I’ve never seen a need to have a large blender. I simply put everything in the Huel bottle then stick in an immersion blender. It has no problem with bananas or spinach/kale, though I’ve never tried frozen fruit.

I’m thinking of buying this but the thing is I have 4 scoops at a time with 500ml of water. Will this all fit in the 600ml bottles?