Always been fit, but after being in a toxic relationship for a long time (ended 4 months ago), I gained so much fat especially around the belly and on my arms. Kept telling myself I will start working out but never found the motivation until 5 weeks ago when I booked a holiday and told myself: that’s it! I have to do something about it, I was well convinced that 5 weeks won’t do wonders but I had nothing to lose.
I got a Huel ready to drink from the supermarket to try it out. And was impressed with the taste and the fact that it had all you need in a breakfast. So I went on the website and loaded up with a month’s worth of ready to drink, meal replacement powder and some if the instant pasta meals. I wanted to try a hardcore plan and see if they work. Only on some of the days I had dinner as a normal meal but pretty much most of the days I lived on Huel - breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Started working out at home with some dumbbells and a studio barbell with plates, alternating upper/lower body 1h workouts. I have also taken Creatine and BCAA before every workout but also during rest days, and of course the protein shake immediately after the workout.
I have seen such a transformation in 4 weeks, like those advertisements I used to see on social media about “4 weeks transformation” that to me always seemed unreal and didn’t really believe it is possible.
I am talking so honestly here, have done multiple times training with PTs, but never got results like this so quickly! And to be even more honest, none of them EVER told me about workout performance supplements and no wonder why, they don’t want you to transform too quickly because they will lose you as a client, as a lot of people go for PT for that boost in results and then the plan is to continue on your own as not everyone can pay hundreds a month for too long.
What I will say to everyone is that in my opinion Huel products are amazing, however I would not say that by only taking Huel you will end up with the dream body. You have to put the work in as well, Huel helps massively, and my results are a combination of Huel + consistent intensive home workouts + performance supplements as mentioned above (protein, creatine, bcaa + pre workout powder).
Staying consistent is key! I am over the moon with my achievement!
Attached is a before and after photo of Day 1 and precisely 4 weeks later.