My sister in law has been using Huel for a while and I saw the adds on Facebook. I’m not in any way vegan but I travel around a lot for work and even when in the office the food provided isn’t brilliant. As a result, I was finding that despite being active, I was still slowly gaining weight - because I was eating crap. I wanted something I could control. It needed to be easy and allow me to reduce the need to buy convenience foods. Huel fits for me based on this.
After reading forum comments I was worried about taste (I really don’t like over sweet tastes) and the impact it might have on my body - funny as the Huel poop thread is So I started slowly just having 3 scoops for breakfast for a week.
On literally the very first try I didn’t like the consistency. It was a bit lumpy. Since then I took on the feedback here and blended it with a hand blender in the shaker and left it in the fridge overnight. Problem solved. And actually I really love the taste of the new vanilla powder.
I wanted to up my intake to 2x 3 scoop Huels a day (b’fast and lunch, followed by solid dinner) but because of the need to blend and chill I couldn’t take a pouch and shaker to work and prep it there. Instead I just got a cheap thermal wine cooler bag which holds 2 bottles and stainless drink bottle (with a neck big enough to get a brush in for cleaning). I prep 2x Huels the night before. One goes in the stainless bottle, the other stays in the shaker. I have the shaker for breakfast when I get to the office and the stainless bottle for lunch.
It’s dead easy. Both are still cold when I have them, it’s saving me queuing for food, spending money and eating crap. So the practical element works and I actually look forward to having it (especially with a shot of espresso).
In terms of weight loss. I started using MyFitnessPal at the same time and the combination works for me. I was 84.5kg 4 weeks ago. I’m 79.9kg now. That’s a far faster drop than I was expecting and likely artificial given I had a pretty hardcore 200 mile endurance event in that time. I expect the weight loss to slow, which is fine, but it does work.
In the first 3 weeks I found I wasn’t hungry between meals at all. In fact I felt very full and have had positive improvement in energy (or at least I feel less peaky). Over the last week work has been a little more slow and I’ve felt hungry a few times. I suspect this is a mental thing as my mind is wondering. I’m in the habit of forcing myself to have a drink of water when that happens and so far it’s ok.
Just gone onto the subscription model - converted!
I’d be interested to know how many scoops are used as the measure behind 2 pouches = 28 meals. While I’ve not been overly paying attention I feel I’m going through it faster than that (3 scoops per meal). Might just be me.