Actual benefits of huel?

Stop trolling. I’ve never seen anyone touting it as some sort of super healthy perfect nutrition product or anyone claiming it’s better than eating normal non junk food. It’s just food. All food manufacturers claim their food is the best thing out there; that’s normal.


No. If you are eating a healthy diet and getting 100% of your macronutrients and micronutrients from fruits, vegetables, some grains and meats, then Huel will be no healthier.

Most people don’t have the time or expertise, or patience, to eat this way on a daily basis. Some people do have the time and expertise and patience to make such healthy choices. Huel is aimed at the first group. The people in the second group don’t need Huel.


That would be great to know complete with frequent blood test results to back it all up.

I’m vegan. Huel is definitely better than when I miss breakfast or when lunch is a Co-op felefal wrap (again)for lunch - surprisingly I now love the flavour.


Well there’s this one and then this as well. There’s bound to be more but I limited myself to 30 seconds searching because, you know, I’m so busy that I don’t have time to prepare proper food, so I’m not about to start doing your googling for you.

At the end of the day a nutritious diet is a nutritious diet - it doesn’t matter what the food source is so long as it delivers the nutrients that your body needs. If you want to eat proper food then who cares, whatever works for you, no-one here is going to say you’re wrong for cooking, but I don’t know who you’re trying to convince of anything here.

You’re on the Huel website, in a forum filled with people that have used Huel’s products to improve their lives and who talk positively about many topics. But nearly every single one of your posts have been negative. if you don’t like Huel, why don’t you just not buy it?


If a person has a healthy, nutritionally complete diet, then there aren’t health benefits to having Huel, a different nutritionally complete diet. It’s just a way to get nutrients ratios that work well for lots of people.

Perhaps it’s all of the other benefits that have caused this perceived hype.


This thread should be put in a museum as a ideal example of a strawman.


There was a question right at the start of this which was repeated several times. What did happen with the £35k volunteer study? I’m fascinated to read the results or a progress report.

I’m guessing its not yet complete. They were advertising for people in September 2015, and its not just going to take the 12 months of the study itself. They will need time to set it up at the start and also time for tests to come back and to write up at the end. More so if they are trying to publish it anywhere.

I would have thought there would have been a blog updated throughout the year.

Seems odd there is no mention of it at all anywhere.

@davidmccarlie we never went ahead with the year long study.

We did a short study based on two people. See results here:

Even though this took a fair amount of time, effort, and money to arrange and conduct, we received negativity about it. E.g. it was bias (we paid for it), the sample size was too small, we only did men, we only did white men, etc, etc.

So we thought carefully about it, but decided that if we did a year long study of one person, it would cost a lot, would take a lot of time and effort but it would get immediately rejected using the same reasons stated above.

What is required to convince some people is a full clinical trial, of a large sample of mixed demographic profiles, which is not paid or by any of the complete food companies. Clearly this not something we can do.


I was pretty sure this was going to be the case

Was an obvious marketing ploy from the word go

So now you have replied can you confirm officially that huel has no health benefits over a non junk real food diet and a multivitamin ?

Please define “regular healthy diet”.

We believe a nutritionally complete diet of vegan whole food is the best. But I would say that is rare no regular. For example, the most popular lunch in the UK is a sandwich, the most popular snack are crisps or chocolate, breakfast would be toast, butter and spread. Most of these foods are optimised for taste but have low nutritional value and are more processed than Huel.

On top of that other important factors beyond just nutrition. The world population is 7 billion and will grow to 9.7 billion by 2050. We can’t carry on the way we are, if everyone ate a western diet we would be in big trouble. We throw away 30% of all food, we use meat as a primary food source which is inefficient, often inhumane, and unsustainable. Did you know it takes 7kg of grain to make 1kg of meat in the UK and USA. Livestock is responsible for more greenhouse gases than all the cars and planes in the world combined. Have a read of this - COWSPIRACY: The Sustainability Secret

As a population we have made food so delicious that we crave it, get addicted to it, and over consume it. The result is that over 64% of adults are overweight or obese and obesity related conditions are on the increase. Over 4 million people have diabetes, and over 15 million are classed as borderline diabetics. Did you know that “Obesity reduces life expectancy by an average of three years, or eight to ten years in the case of severe obesity. Around 8% of annual deaths in Europe (at least one in 13) have been attributed to overweight and obesity. The cost to the UK economy of overweight and obesity was estimated at £15.8 billion per year in 2007, including £4.2 billion in costs to the NHS”. National Obesity Observatory (Brand Profile)

Plus we live increasingly busy lives. People don’t always have access to a kitchen or the time to buy, prep, cook and clean up, or have the knowledge to ensure they are getting all the essential fatty acids, essential amino acids, or the 26 essential vitamins and mineral in the correct amounts just from whole food. These are some of the issues of not getting all your vitamins and minerals - What are the 27 essential vitamins and minerals? – Huel - sure you can use vitamins tables but absorption is usually best when spread throughout the day.

Huel contains all the essential amino acids, essential fatty acids, fibre, phytonutrients, and at least 100% of the European Union’s “Daily Recommended Amounts” of all 26 essential vitamins and minerals​. Huel is high in protein (148g per 2000 calories) and fibre (35g), just 4.6g of sugar per 2000 calories, is made from sustainable ingredients (oats, pea protein, rice protein, flaxseed, sunflower, coconut, plus a bespoke vitamin and mineral blend), 100% vegan (better for the environment and animals), requires minimal packaging and has a shelf-life of 12 months (so zero food waste), has a low GI 27, and is filling.

So when compared to the average western diet Huel will:

  1. Save time
  2. Provide 100% nutrition - not as easy as it sounds unless you have a lot of knowledge and have a large spreadsheet to ensure you are getting all 26 essential vitamins and minerals in the correct amounts, essential amino acids (especially if you are vegan) and all essential fatty acids)
  3. Contain less sugar
  4. Be lower GI
  5. Vegan whilst still provide a great amino acid profile
  6. Will reduce food waste
  7. Kill less animals and reduce inhumane treatment of animals
  8. Reduce greenhouse gases
  9. Reduce packaging
  10. Make calorie counting very easy and precise
  11. Contains MCTs
  12. Contains no allergens (gluten free version)
  13. Contains potent antioxidant such as Lycopene
  14. Contains Lutein which have prevent macular degeneration of the eye in the elderly

Right, you have just done the same as most of the other posters in here and gone on a tangent which isnt related to the topic

90% of that post is totally irrelevant to the topic and question im asking

All i want to know about was the health benefits for someone who doesnt already have a diet consisting of junk food and youre going on about saving animals, less wastage and world population

Which in a round about way shows me the answer to the question, it shows that there isnt much backing up huel actually being healthier so you go on about all those other points as the main sellers. They are very fair points and im not diminishing them, its just they are not relevant to my interests for this topic

It always seems to come back to huel vs junk food. Huel vs chocolate and crisps. Obviously huel would be a smarter choice but so would thousands of other actual real foods

Its ok anyway, the answer has been had, no added health benefits over regular non junk food

Thats all i wanted to know

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I can only make a comparison to something you define. Just saying regular is too imprecise. Do you eat a “regular healthy diet”? If yes let know exactly what you ate and drank yesterday, including weights. And I will make a comparison.


I imagine Julian* is going on about the non-nutritional benefits of Huel because Huel is marketed as a nutritionally complete food and not a super food. If you are comparing two equally nutritionally complete diets, one of Huel and one of more traditional food, then there aren’t nutritional benefits to Huel. They’re nutritionally equivalent. So why would anyone want Huel? Loads of reasons and that’s what he’s on about.

The thing is, Huel hasn’t, so far as I can find, claimed to be the absolute best food ever or a super food. On the FAQ page, the company states, “Huel is a nutritionally complete powdered food ​that contains all the proteins, carbs, and fats you need, plus at least 100% of the European Union’s “Daily Recommended Amounts” of all 26 essential vitamins and minerals​.” People who do not work for the company have expressed enthusiasm for Huel which you seemed to mistake as marketing. The vast majority of people who post on this forum do not work for Huel and our words should not be taken as Huel marketing. The excitement we have felt has been over a very convenient and ethical way to have a nutritionally complete diet. Do you disagree that Huel is a convenient and ethical way to have a nutritionally complete diet?

I’ll admit that I have not read every post written by the Huel team nor have I read every word on their website, so I could be mistaken. There could be a place where it is described as being the best food in the world or as a super food. If there is, would you please link it? I’d be interested in reading what the company has said in such marketing.

*Correct me if I’m wrong, Julian!

What are you making your comparison based on though ? Your own thoughts and feelings ?

I asked for proof and studies at the start of this topic it seems there arent any

So all you will be doing is giving me your opinion, which is just the same as everyone else who has answered and told me that huel is no better than a regular non junk food diet …

I do not disagree atall with the statement that huel is convenient and nutritionally complete

But again, i never once disputed that, nor is the topic about any of those things

All i wanted to know, for the billionth time ( this no longer needs answering) was if there was any proof of huel being healthier than a non junk food diet

There is no proof that it is healthier and the resounding consesus is that it is not healthier atall, its just the same

Case closed

The same point has been made repeatedly and you’ve ignored it every time.

If someone is already eating a well balanced and properly nutritious diet, then the only benefits of switching to another well balanced and nutritious diet (eg: Huel) is convenience and fringe factors like it being vegan and with a low environmental impact.

It’s on the first f#cking line of Huel’s about us page:

To make nutritionally complete, convenient, affordable food, with minimum impact on the environment and animals.

Seriously @archimedes, what is your problem? There are 79 posts in the thread and you’re still arguing the same bizarre point that’s been answered again and again. What is it you’re trying to achieve?


Im not arguing anything though, i just asked a question, and i now have an answer… as ive already said.

The topic is done, i said that many posts back

You are the one popping up and taking tangets to create arguments on points which im not even disputing

The question in the OP is the question, nothing else

And as ive already said many posts back. I have now got the answer