After months of Huel for breakfast I started a new breakfast

1 egg and like 2 very thin tenderloin (is it correct?) that I fry a little before of ham. A little of olive oil and 280ml of semi skimmed milk

Itā€™s hard to say why as neither the protein or fibre in that wouldnā€™t be as much as in 100g of Huel and the calories are similar. Itā€™s risky to draw any conclusions from this as youā€™re one person and there are so many other factors to consider.

Its pretty weird, I will have Huel for breakfast again to check if this happens again

I had an apprentice decided to drive his car with a pot of instant noodles rested on his groin. It did not go well for himā€¦ 3rd degree burns ok his dangly bits.

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Hereā€™s a useful thing:

EVERYTHING about the name makes me LOL


How do you even find that lol?:joy:

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Iā€™ve got an ancient packet of that in our food cupboard, bought in the Caribbean years agoā€¦ Never had the nerve to try it, but canā€™t bear to throw it out!

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There is a vegan oneā€¦not sure if that one is itā€¦canā€™t be bothered to revisit the linkā€¦

Um, Cock Soup will not be veganā€¦ Grace (products) may make a vegan soup but itā€™s not going to be that one.

I rechecked. It doesnt contain cockā€¦but it does contain milkā€¦so may just be veggie not vegan. Shame.

Iā€™m sure my one has chicken powder in it somewhere. Canā€™t check now though.

cock Sainsburyā€™s have a sense of humour.


Ha ha, seriously? :joy:

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