When you combine flavours it can be difficult to replicate the original flavour. Have you tried any artificial coconut flavourings? I’ve no idea where you would buy them, but it might work better?
I use the pineapple and coconut ,with frozen mango and banana ,its super good for breakfast and I can taste the coconut .
I do 300ml rice milk
2 scoops vanilla
I tea so of the flavour boost
Mango to suit
And often a banana
That’s a good idea, I met a guy from the southern states once who used to make what he called ‘Sun Tea’, where they just left some Lipton Yellow Label Tea in a jug of water through the day and it just steeped and brewed without hot water. It might take some time though?
Alternatively, hot water and cooling it down for sure. We have a Herbal Tea Hack here if you want to give it a go. Works for all tea!