Bars discontinued

It was my answer to the question what I wanted to see regarding products. So many products have been discontinued, so I just worried that it might be the case for other products than bars, too.

Of course market dynamics change, and you must have data scientists who analyse and predict customer behaviour. But my impression is, that the prospect of attracting new customers is a higher priority now than the interests of long term users.

Correct me if I am wrong.

I’m afraid I don’t have an update on this currently.

Can I ask why? and what direction would you like to see us take.

To aim to keep this thread on track as Coup suggested, please try to keep any messages in the thread about the bars/new bar replacement product :pray:

Will the protein bars come back into stock, or does a flavour showing as not currently available mean it is now dead, never to be seen again. Just asking as I want to order some bars, but would prefer the flavours not currently in stock!

Hi @Charlotte_Huel,
The vitamin drink feels gimmicky, an somewhat cynical attempt to get into a lucrative market. It doesn’t feel like a serious attempt at affordable sustainable nutrition for the benefit of people for the future in the way most Huel products have. After all a budget supermarket sells multivitamin tablets at a very low price.

What attracted me to Huel is the idea of good nutritious food for me with which I can trust, is super sharp on allergens and points a direction which could be a future for feeding people well with minimal environmental impact.
I fear there may be a market driven drift away from this.
Claiming “X” health benefits for a vitamin drink feels slightly off-beam and a little disingenuous.


Adding my two cents… I feel the opposite. You could claim every new product from Huel is “gimmicky” to get into a different market: powder, bars, granola, hot meals, protein powder, clothing, etc, or any other company expanding their product repertoire to attract different audiences or cater to different desires.

A comparison between multivitamin tablets seems illogical. This isn’t geared toward people who already have multivitamin tablets, it’s geared toward people who usually reach for a can of Monster, Red Bull, etc, but can now choose essentially a similarly tasting healthier alternative. It can also serve as a bridge to consuming the powder or RTD.

Huel’s aim isn’t to make a collection of products for one type of person, but rather a variety of products to make sustainable, affordable, ethical, complete food available to as many people as possible. If these cans aren’t for you, cool, stick with the powder, H&S, etc. Every product is supposed to have different qualities that attract different people/conveniences. If anything, I think this is huge for Huel and an excellent move into a new space. Easily my favourite new product from them in a long time (until they release Huel Condiments :smirk:).


Thanks for your reply. I disagree but appreciate your points and the tone in which they are made.

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I can check this for you on our stock sheet, let me know which flavours you’re interested in and I can let you know when we expect them back :slightly_smiling_face:

@Hex @Jeff_M Thank you for both your points and for being so honest.

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Hi. I need as many banoffee bars as you can provide me with! No one else needs to know when they are back in stock…you only need to tell me!

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Then try emailing or Whatspping us for a secret squirrel response :chipmunk: :man_detective:

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Bit traumatised about the bars being discontinued tbh :sweat_smile:
i never came to terms with the protein bars but i think the latest incarnation of the Complete Nutrition bar is delicious. The chocolate / chocolate & orange especially.

Hope whatever replaces them will be more like those and less like the protein bars.

Yes me too. I like the raspberry ones too.
Let’s hope. They haven’t said it’s a bar just a “snack” so I’m concerned…

No need to be concerned :black_heart: I think the new product will make A LOT of you very happy!


I have faith in you @Charlotte_Huel

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Good to hear. :grinning:

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Huel cake confirmed.

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@Charlotte_Huel any update on new bars please?
The old ones are selling out and I’m not sure whether to buy more or not as I don’t know

  1. what they will be replaced with and if I will like them
  2. when the replacement will be available.
  3. the calorie/nutritional content of the new bars

Honestly I’m considering shopping around for other products.


I swear I had nothing to do with this

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Crisps or we riot.



For some reason that reminded me of a cartoon character in Viz called Rude Kid.

Google image search it if you want to see why.

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