Black edition flavour suggestion

Let me start off by saying that Huel Cookies & Cream is so good.

I would like to suggest additional flavours if that is ok and would love to see them developed.

Huel hazelnut paste in Huel Black edition or Huel Kinderbueno.

And Huel Tahini

100% Tahini tastes a bit bitter but there are variants out there that have something like sugar or other sweeteners and this makes it super delicious, creamy and sweet, like the ones that are hardened and developed as bread spread.

Also cannot wait for Huel Peanut Butter to arrive in EU.

Huel cookies & cream is my favourite right now.

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Oh many, you’re not alone.


Yes please. Any form of chocolate hazelnut would be amazing.

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I personally think that it should be mostly or 100% Hazelnut since we already have two types of chocolate available atm and it gives people the choice to chose hazelnut if they desire so

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You can always blend a few hazelnut in the shake :slight_smile:

Blockquote=“anon10145348, post:1, topic:23315, full:true”]
Also cannot wait for Huel Peanut Butter to arrive in EU.

Huel cookies & cream is my favourite right now.

Same on both points.

If I had to suggest a flavour I would recommend Rum and raisin. A favourite of mine in ice cream, and I think it’d work in a shake.

Plus I think the flavours would be relatively easy to get right.

Coconut tends to be a great milkshake flavour too, but I’d say chocolate coconut. Like drinking a bounty!

Coffee without any “hint of” or combination, just pure coffee flavour. That would be my wish.

Bueno huel, i accept that!!


Oaft… aye, that sounds great.

I got cookies n creme because I like new flavours and hadn’t had C&C anything in decades.
It tastes just like cookies n creme. Then I remembered, I don’t like it, I don’t even like Oreo’s.

Bueno this idea tho!!

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Oh noooo :rofl: you muppet! Hopefully you can find a good home for it?

This idea is bueno :ok_hand:

Honestly the first sip the dislike came back. I don’t know what I was expecting or thinking. I diluted with vanilla and chocolate over a month or so and it wasn’t that bad. Final portion I drank as normal just to thoroughly remind myself C&C isn’t for me.
Spot on flavour!!

Apple and rhubarb crumble with ice cream

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There used to be a rhubarb and custard flavour boost but it wasn’t very popular. It was meant to be used with original or vanilla so I guess that was pretty close to what you are suggesting. I quite liked it I must confess but I do like rhubarb

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I liked rhubarb and custard fb too. Ditto rhubarb.


Gooseberry and evaporated milk.
Lemon meringue pie.
Sherry trifle.
Coconut macaroon.

Please keep the allergens out of the production chain.
I’m allergic to hazelnuts, almonds pistachio.
My son to peanuts, cashews
Serious, life threatening allergies.
Huel has always impressed me with their allergen discipline.

Delicious suggestions :heart_eyes:

We don’t plan on changing this anytime soon :black_heart:

It does not have to be the real thing. You could also use artificial flavours. And then the allergen topic wouldn’t be a problem. That’s how other companies seem to solve the issue.

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