Black Sabbath vs Huel?

With protein powders being in the news due to high levels of heavy metals - particularly vegan products - I wondered about meal replacements since they’re so closely adjacent a category.

I know we have this nugget of info and we work to recommended levels as outlined by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) but…

  • Is that the case for all products globally (EFSA standard)
  • Is there anything beyond ‘trust us’ that can be provided like a more up to date version of this
  • Anything else beyond just “trust us”

Clever thread title, I like it.

  1. Yes, I believe we work to EFSA standards globally.
  2. We’re currently working on improving the transparency of our testing. There are some important factors we’re needing to consider, but hopefully we’ll be able to offer something so that you share our confidence in the safety of our products. What that looks like is yet to be determined, but watch this space.

Agree with the title. Definitely need some Sabbath inspired Huel flavours.

I’ll go first.

Snowblind – white chocolate RTD.
Rat Salad – vegan meatballs + kale hot and savoury pot.
Sweet Leaf – Daily Greens candy flavour.


I’d buy that in an instant

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Same. I’d regularly buy a box.