Coffee Huel Review

Absolutely this! Barely even a hint of coffee, just strong sweetener aftertaste. Yuck. ORIGINAL VANILLA PLEASE.

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I think it would taste better based on original vanilla rather than new improved…


Ok, a tip for anyone who was like me and thinks they can’t get through a bag - with enough milk I’m finding it not as bad

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Adding the chocolate flavour system makes it palatable too! (Tastes a bit like mocha)

On this topic, can we PLEASE get pre flavoured chocolate? :disappointed_relieved:


Yes seriously. We need a chocolate huel.

Wow. What’s this about. Haha. I really love the new coffee flavour! Is this a private thread for those who don’t :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:


Well I seem to be in that small minority too because I actually LIKE Coffee Huel. I really took a leap of faith and ordered two bags. So glad I did. I drink my tea and coffee unsweetened, have done for years, so was finding vanilla or original + coffee a bit too sweet for my taste. The coffee flavour is, as already mentioned, understated but I find it quite a pleasant change. If I want a stronger flavour I will add a little Kenco Millicano or Nescafe Espresso to it. Also think it might go nicely with cacao…must try that next. Coffee Huel stays on the menu for me :yum:


I am in two minds about the coffee huel. I do find it a little sickly, but it wasn’t bad when I mixed two of coffee and two of vanilla huel. However I found it didn’t give me the stimulant effect of coffee, so I went back to (as others here have done) mixing powdered coffee, or else using two cups of filter-coffee as the liquid in my huel.

I haven’t ordered any this time around, but I am going to try a bag of the mint for shits and giggles.

I, too, wasn’t that fond of the ‘new and improved’ vanilla, but i like it now. However for cooking sweetened bread, and for mixing with other things, the original vanilla is less sweet and therefore preferable. I will keep getting some of each, I think.

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Strangely, I find Original tastes sweeter than New Vanilla. I like both but find Original better for some of the flavour boosts. 50/50 with UU takes the sweetness down a notch if I feel so inclined. That’s the great thing with Huel, it’s so versatile :yum:

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I’m hoping original vanilla never goes away because new vanilla just tastes weird imo
Was going to try coffee flavour but will just stick with flavouring original vanilla with coffee as that seems to work for me.