Daily Greens has landed in the UK 💚

Without adapting it again I wouldn’t think so. The recommended portion size is smaller (66g which is 250 calories) so you’d be wanting 10 portions to hit your 2500 calories) and it’s quite expensive to do that too. I don’t think it would work for most people which is why think it will remain a more niche product. I’d certainly buy it/try it but probably wouldn’t use it every day as I do the powder and H&S.

yeah I noticed on the product page they recommended using it with milk/plant milk to make up the calorie deficit, but I guess it’s not out of the realms of possibility a version of this becomes the main formulation at some point in the future to keep the product line cohesive.

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But worth mentioning that your intake of said vits and mins won’t be sufficient unless you’re also consuming a wide range of other healthy foods.

I’m on 2 Huels and porridge, mainly. So DG is looking good.

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Yes it will! The team are working on it as we speak :pray:


@Amy_Huel If DG provides a lot of health benefits from the ingredients beyond the vits and mins, is there a case for a version of the product without the vits and mins, or at least, in reduced quantities, as it would seem people who are consuming 50%+ of their calories from Huel products already, are being advised they don’t “need” DG, and there is a risk of vit or min overdose if they start having it as well. But in this case these people (like me) are then being excluded from being able to benefit from the other ingredients in DG not present in the mainstream Huel food range. Or is this what Superblend is designed to address?


The high B12 (212% RDA) means I won’t be using this, just my partner to replace other green drinks she has.

My B12 was literally off the chart for the last 10 years until the doctors finally noticed last autumn and told me to stop taking any B12 until my levels dropped again. Their comment “It has been high for over 10 years so can’t be anything serious” didn’t fill me with confidence they check blood results properly!

That’s interesting. I read that there’s no upper limit for B12 as there’s no evidence for ill effects at high doses. Also my favourite multivitamin supplement has 3000% of the daily recommendation.

The blood tests came back:

Serum vitamin B12 level > 2000 ng/L [197.0 - 771.0] outside reference range.

Thinking about it, I wonder if they wanted me to cut back on intake to make sure my levels dropped under 2000 to check it wasn’t anything physical causing the high readings.

If so then I don’t need to worry about overdosing! :slight_smile:

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Biggest question has anyone had it delivered yet!!! Does it taste as rank as most green blends do!

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Mine arrived today and I tried it earlier! Ultimately, I’ll now be subscribing to Daily Greens monthly to have every morning, while decreasing my frequency of Daily A-Z cans which I’ve been having every morning since Aug 2023 (instead I’ll be having those as a random pick-me-up or treat).

Regarding taste:

  • Huel have done an amazing job at masking all the strong, different earthy flavours from the ingredients. Had many greens powders over the years, from combinations like this to single ingredients like wheatgrass, spirulina, etc, and Daily Greens easily tastes the best by far.
  • I was hoping for a little stronger fruity kick as I can still taste the earthy flavours, however overall it’s a really pleasant taste that I am more than happy to have every morning. Usually with typical greens powders there’s a moment of “Ok, let’s do this” before consuming, preparing yourself for a quick horrible drink like swallowing a swamp :nauseated_face: but there is nothing like that with DG :green_apple::pineapple: It’s enjoyable and refreshing!
  • Comparing with Daily A-Z, I prefer A-Z’s taste, but DG’s organic whole food ingredients are of muuuuch higher priority to me.

Regarding design:

  • Love it! Still Huel’s minimal style, but that pouch is stunning and sleek. Great choice of image. Easily the best designed pouch so far, and glad it’s recyclable.
  • Same with the bottle, super simple, love the typeface. I’ll have to get a bottle brush as I can’t fit my hand inside to clean, but washes out very easily. And the rubbery texture around the middle of the bottle cap is a nice touch – small thing that makes it easier and more comfortable to twist, plus a more premium feeling.
  • One annoying thing about the bottle is the measurements. If the ONLY measurement we ever need is 250ml, it’s illogical to have 200ml and 300ml clearly labelled fully while relegating 250ml to be a tiny dash in between. Rather than have to look at 3 different indicators every time to fill it up, would have made far more sense to have had 250ml clearly labelled
 (UPDATE: Actually, I’m glad these measurements were illogical as 200ml tastes far less watery, and much more consistent and pleasant to drink. I am much happier having this every morning now that I’m having 200ml instead of 250ml. Did a taste test with 2 other people who also preferred 200ml, and am seeing others online either say it’s too watery or recommend less water, so would recommend Huel change the recommended water to 200ml for a better experience.)
  • Also pleased that the pouch contains 30 days worth for simplicity.

In Cronometer, it shows:

  • Consuming Daily Greens and Daily A-Z in one day slightly breaches the tolerable upper limits of vitamin B3 and folate, but nothing else.
  • Consuming Daily Greens and 3 x 2 scoops of Powder 3.1 or Black Edition in one day breaches no limits.
  • Adding a 4th pair of scoops of Powder 3.1 or BE then slightly breaches upper limit of folate however this is by barely anything (folate becomes 1023 ”g, while upper limit is 1000 ”g). So 4 x 2 scoops of Powder or BE with DG in the same day is completely fine (obviously depending on any of your own personal health requirements).
  • Overall, worth checking your regular Huel consumption with DG in Cronometer (always check the nutrient data is correct too), but it seems fine especially if you’re just having DG with one of or several Huel meals like Powder, BE, Instant Meals and RTD, rather than combining DG with A-Z.

New personal favourite Huel products:

  • Daily Greens in terms of nutrition and personal health aims.
  • Chocolate caramel bar in terms of taste with solid food (honestly, lord have mercy).
  • A close fight between Daily A-Z (particularly when refrigerated) and banana RTD in terms of taste drink-wise.

I think this (and Superblend) shows an excellent new direction, and am going to recommend DG to a few people now who went off of Powder (due to wanting organic whole food sources) but will love this. I really hope Huel releases some kind of mix between DG/Superblend and Powder 3.1, as I would DEFINITELY switch immediately to having almost all my meals daily originate from organic whole food Huel powder. I’m ready to give you more of my money – take it pls.

Thank you Huel, excellent work!


@Amy_Huel Hey!

So I was just skimming over the ingredients and I saw thats its got “Organic Green Coffee Bean”

Does this mean it’s got caffeine too? or is it just part of the antioxidant blend and the caffeine content is minute and doesn’t have any effect.

Because I’d love if it did so I could get my energy kick first thing in the morning too!

yeah they checked this on the US site:

That’s a v helpful review, thanks. Particularly for the reassurances via Cronometer. :+1:

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Just ordered mine, will let you know my thoughts in a few days!

My partner tried it this morning and said it’s the first green drink that doesn’t make her gag each time taking a mouthful, not even once, so it’s a definite thumbs up from her :smiley:

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Huel Daily Greens is meant to boost nutrition intake to ensure you get complete nutrition every day. If you are having 2 or more servings of other Huel products daily in addition to other foods, you’re likely already hitting your nutrient needs, though it depends on the rest of your diet.

For those who have 1 Huel serving a day or only occasionally, Daily Greens can be a great added boost to cover all your nutrient essentials, with potential added benefits from ingredients like adaptogens and superfruits too.

I should forward that to Fedex. DG has confused them and so plunged into a delivery limbo.

I forwarded them the link to the product page - so they can educate themselves and try and earn that ‘handling fee’ they are so keen to charge me.

Maybe they are born with it. maybe they’re imbeciles :slight_smile:

My Huel Greens has just arrived and straight away I thought I’d mix one up and give it a go.

It definitely in my opinion needs less water than suggested for one scoop. I used 150ml with 1 level scoop and that was plenty. I read on reddit yesterday that someone thought it was too thick at the recommended quantity (250ml) and I wonder if they just used a Huel powder scoop.

Opening the bag it smells lovely and fruity - it has an aroma of pineapple but doesn’t contain pineapple.

It mixes up well in the supplied bottle, very very slightly gritty/sandy. As @Hex said above the earthy tastes are well masked. I too have tried other greens and many of them are really quite challenging. AG1 is the best of them (but also the most expensive).

This does have the slight taste of typical greens but the “pineapple” flavour when mixed up does mask much to it and it’s really quite nice to drink as mentioned by Hex. I mean I wouldn’t drink gallons of the stuff in one go (based purely on the taste and texture) but it’s not a case of necking it and hoping you don’t puke from the gag reflex, which has been the case with some of these products.

It does have an aftertaste too, but again nothing horrible. I like it and think that those who have been gagging (no pun intended) for this to be released in the UK, will be pleased by the taste.

The bottle does clean out easily without the brush. I prefer the metal lid of the AG1 bottle to this plastic one and I’ll probably use that bottle (and decant the pouch into my AG1 tin). And I do see this replacing AG1 for a lot of people.


Why were these constituents chosen in these quantities?
Other than the conventional micro nutrients - (which have rda)

  1. is there any good peer reviewed evidence for these “super” foods?
  2. if there is - then does this mixture contain enough of them to be effective? I see people taking high doses of mushroom/algae etc.


Had my third one today, and after @hunzas mentioned about using less water, I thought I’d try 200ml and wow – so much better!

Much better flavour, consistency, smoothness and drinkability. Tasted more like a normal drink without the wishy washy thinness of 250ml, and the earthy flavours were masked even more. Plus, I don’t have to look at 3 different indicators every morning to find the tiny dash representing 250ml on the bottle, and can instead just look at the large, clearly labelled 200ml.

Will try 150ml tomorrow to see what it’s like, but I suspect I’ll stick with 200ml purely because I’ll now have no daily hassle with the illogical bottle indicators :joy: Is a shame that most people are going to be having this with the suggested 250ml. 200ml is a LOT better and I’m much happier with this product now.

Great shout @hunzas!