Superblend - UK being left behind again

Just spotted this on the US Site, looks quite interesting, I can see the other superfood complete food brand being worried.

  • 87+ vitamins, minerals and wholefood-sourced nutrients
  • 25g plant-based protein
  • Superfruit + antioxidant greens blends
  • Adaptogens
  • 6g fiber

But why is it another US exclusive?

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Excellent. A new opportunity for someone to post every month that a Huel product should come to the UK.


‘UK being left behind, again’ seems like all I ever read these days.

Very interesting indeed.

I suspect it’s launching in the USA first because Daily Greens is made in the USA and there’s at least some crossover with that product. UK Daily Greens is certainly taking a while though. If current speeds are anything to go by this could be 12 months away from the UK :frowning:

Seems like all they care about is the US now. Bigger prize I guess. Been reading ingredients in depth and struggling to see the value added difference to the daily greens (which we keep being promised lol)

The greens market in the US is as much as all the European countries combined and more than double that of the rest of the World – so no big surprise a product like this would launch there. If it didn’t do well in that market, it’s unlikely it would anywhere else.

And EU… so frustrated with the launches lately. I would totally try this one despite the price that its too high… again

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Oh of course, but if companies don’t sell their greens products here the market will never grow. All we seem to get is ridiculously expensive imports, so of course no-one is interested.

Huel is about to so that will be a good indicator if they delist it again within 18 months or continue with it.

Looks pretty interesting and seems to be a direct competitor to Kachava.

I assume the original Greens went well in the US as they are on the UK store to sign up for access when they launch here this month. Hopefully the new product will also do as well.

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