Eating it like porridge

has any one had it like a porridge obviously making it up with less water. either with cold warm or hot water? was thinking or adding own flavours like drop of almond essence and a few fresh berry’s like a bakewell tart flavour … or even adding things like ground mixed spice and grated carrot to taste like a carrot cake… suppose there are lots of variations?

This is currently my favourite way to consume Huel, I got so sick of trying to chug down 2 litres of shake a day, I tried several different baking methods, various biscuits and cakes (one of the finest carrot cakes I’ve ever tasted I’m proud to say) but the additional ingredients totally screw the macros. Adding warm water however, Amazing! It has a consistency identical to ready brek, but with your complete nutritional panel I then also add whey for extra lean muscle growth. Simple prep, perfect results. Ideal for the approaching winter.
Total win.

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