Feeling better or not?

Hi there, do you feel better after a Huel meal instead of a normal meal?

With version 2.3 I had a strange feeling in my throat and stumac. And to be honest, I couldn’t take a normal shit anymore.

I really would like to know what your experiences are

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I feel the same regardless of what meal I have eaten. Are you a new Huel user?

Hi Joey. Huel made me more farty when I first started but that was caused by the extra fibre and my gut bacteria settling down. Drinking plenty of water is highly advisable. Are you drinking enough?

A Huel meal for me is usually fewer calories (500) than a normal meal so I normally feel much lighter. My throat is ten times better than if I’ve had a burger. And my shits are great, in more ways than one.


When I started my stomach needed to adjust first, but now I have less stomach & throat, gut pains.

And what @Bee said a bit more farty in the beginning. I needed to learn to drink more water. When it’s summer it’s easy but 's winters I don’t drink near enough.

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Haha thanks all for your very enlightening reactions. I think i just need to drink more I guess.

I was using Huel last year on and of and want to start again with v3. I think its important to adjust to Huel slowly.

When I started I thought I’m going 100% Huel for a month to lose the first weight fast. Even though I read all about starting with one replacement a day. I did a shake diet before, so thought it wouldn’t matter. Well, I found out my stomach wasn’t to happy about it. So I went from 3 meals of Huel to 1 and after a week or two to 2 meals. And today I start 100% Huel.

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Huel adjustments include all variety of pooping issues for people, from not pooping (more fluids!) to the silent slithering submarine. Farts, lots of them. I now have the added joy of record breaking stench and longevity from sucralose. Unflavoured and unsweetened for me from now on.

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I’ve been on 2 Huel shakes a day (weekdays only) for around 18 months. My stomach took around 2 weeks to adjust but is now fine and regular. I’m now having v3 for breakfast and Black for lunch (following a lunchtime gym session).

I find now that if I don’t have a Huel for lunch and instead go back to my old eating habits (a Greggs’ or Sainsbury’s meal deal: sandwich, crisps, juice and a sweet treat such as a doughnut or cookie) then my stomach really doesn’t like it. I’m pretty sure it’s the wheat that my stomach doesn’t like.

I’m, 52. I’ve found as I get older food has really become fuel. Or even a hindrance. Especially when trying to cut calories. I feel so much better if I have a decent run of quality food. And I feel crappy both physically and mentally if I eat starchy low nutrient food.
The problem is keeping up. The fresh food goes off or runs out. But the bread is always in the freezer. Now with Huel I feel like I’ve eaten super healthy food every day. Much more energy and much less acid indegestion


It’s individual, it depends on your body. so, some people need more time to make sure that they really get better. you have to be careful about the ingredients, about what you buy and eat. Then you won’t have any problems.

Hey there!

I found my stomach gurgled and had some bloating but after a couple of weeks this settled. I was enjoying 1 serving of Huel 3-4 times a week to start and now I have one serving everyday, sometimes two.

As always it’s a good idea to experiment with your intake & balance it with the rest of your diet.

I’ve found keeping a food diary helpful in the past!! @Joey