First two days on Huel

Just thought I’d give a quick summary.

To begin with, I am currently using Huel to replace my lunches. I have always hated trying to think and make things for my lunches at work so when I researched and found Huel it answered so many of my prayers. Not only that but being Vegan and a keen gym goer it’s great nutrition is spot on for me. I don’t eat a ton of protein, and whilst I have made some good strength gains I will be interested to see how the pea + rice extra protein will speed up my results.

I will be consuming anywhere between 500-1000 calories worth of Huel at lunch depending on what else eat beforehand/soon after my lunch.

My first day (which was more of a trial day since it was Sunday and not work) I used 500 calories worth, and today at work I had around 600 calories. Generally I have found consuming it fairly ok, I’m a fan of vanilla so it’s not a problem for me. I brought the powder to work in a small container with my shaker. I found mixing it with this ok but I can imagine mixing almost double (1000 cals) far too thick for the shaker.

Today though I have made the decision to blend the Huel this evening with some frozen berries in my blender and storing it in a 1litre container for the next day, like I said I didn’t mind the taste at all but found it a little bland so the berry addition has made a subtle but decent improvement. With this in mind I’m definitely looking forward to trying the flavour pouches being developed!

Obviously I am only on day two but I can say that it definitely digests very well and leaves me feeling full in the same way my solid lunches did. The convenience is amazing and perhaps eventually I will make more of my daily food Huel. Will give another update in a few weeks, very much looking forward to how it affects me athletically.

@Nik3000 Glad to hear you are getting on well Nik! It is a shame that we don’t do a larger 1L container to store Huel in - we were thinking about the design of the current shakers, and seeing if we could come up with something better. Is a larger Huel container/ shaker something you’d be interested in?

Yes, do update us in a couple of weeks and let us know how your are doing!

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It’d definitely interest me yes. To be honest though I work in one place so blending it up (which makes it ultra fine and easier to drink/store) is fine as I can just transport it from home fridge to work fridge. But I’m sure there are lots of people who are looking to consume 700+ calories worth in one hit who are on the go who would love a larger shaker option. Something to think about anyway!

I’d like to +1 for a 1l shaker, a 700ml is a little too small to mix the ratio that I prefer

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@Nik3000 @Gary_Dufley Ok, good to know guys! We’ll definitely have a think about that :smile: