Flavour boosts virgin

Hi everyone. I really fancy trying the gingerbread and peanut butter flavour boosts. Would it be best to use them with vanilla huel? Has anybody tried this? I fancy mixing it up a bit. Thanks.

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Gingerbread is easily my favourite and because ginger goes well with many other flavours like chocolate, fruit etc its pretty flexible.

as far as I recall all the flavour boosts are formulated for taste when paired with vanilla so yes they will work well,

peanut butter again can be combined with any flavours you would normally - like vanilla, chocolate even berries if you’re a peanut butter and jelly kind of person :slight_smile:


The Flavour Boosts have been made with Vanilla in mind, but you should absolutely experiment with other flavours! Someone was having Salted Caramel and Banana the other day and said it was awesome!

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Been a godsend this huel. Lost nearly 2 stone since April. Was 15 5 but now 13 6. Aiming for around 12 5. I really enjoy it too. Love the chilli, madras and mac meals.


I am quite fond of the gingerbread flavour. I have only tried the Black Huel. I think my first was Vanilla, but I have changed to U&U because the Vanilla was too sweet. I add real ground cinnamon to it as well! :clown_face:

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