Are there any plans to start selling gluten free fuel bars again. They were a great part of my diet and I miss them a lot!
I think I read that the huel bars are gf by default now, but huel are having difficulty meeting demand so they’ll be back at some point but when, no-one knows.
Thanks. Its the no-one knows that surprises me. Is there someone in huel
who can provide an answer as to the delay and if there is a plan to make
more? Incidentally ive had a go at make my own and failed! Any recipies
out there?
Hey there!
Just as a preface, this isn’t my recipe. I am just reposting this from a youtube video (happens to be the guy who does all the insta videos on how to mix huel and stuff). I saw this recipe and used it myself, and its very very good - the video will be linked below, its a nice little video, but the recipe is all we really need from it. Also a preface:
This recipe is in no way as nutritionally balanced as the actual Huel bar! Do not expect it to be!
This is more of a quick fix way of…
For past few years I’ve been batching up my own protein bars. They’ve varied wildly between tasting like confectionary of the gods (but terribly unhealthy) to reminding me of something growing between my toes. In general, the healthier I try to make them, the worse they taste. But after a bunch of experimentation, I eventually hit the sweet spot between disgusting but healthy, and delicious but potentially causing coronary issues.
Now that I’m on the Huel bandwagon, I decided to have a crack at…
^this thread has several recipes
My Huel muffins recipe :
6 scoops Huel
Walnuts (50 gr)
Green &blacks cocoa
(Instead of water -Pip and Nut milk)
And also any of the flavours Huel.
They come 12 not too big muffins,which I eat for two days 3 for morning breakfast and 3 for afternoon breakfast.
Huel staff have commented in other threads- but it’s basically ‘sorry we can’t give a date but we’re working hard to get them back’