Everything that is breakfast in the Industry at the moment is either a normal shake taken at breakfast or porridge. I work outside a lot of winter and it would something warm woukd be a major plus!
As someone who dislikes porridge first thing in the morning it would be great to have something else.
I posted a suggestion for an H&S breakfast a while ago and am glad to see that others are feeling similarly. As mentioned in my earlier post, I’d like something that resembles a scramble, in the same way that the Mac & Cheeze resembles Mac & Cheese. I know there are vegan egg simulacrums out there, so it should be doable. Perhaps with some bakon or sawsage (haha), et al. If it can come out with a somewhat fluffy texture, that was be amazing. Please don’t only do a porridge. No insult to porridge intended.
Frankly, I’m a vegetarian, not a vegan, so I actual egg would be fine with me, but I also understand that this minimizes the audience, so if you can pull of a fake egg, that’d be excellent.
That’s an interesting recipe! I was expecting to see Huel mixed with oats and made into a porridge. I keep meaning to work out a sweet morning Huel porridge (with oats) but haven’t got round to it yet!