H&S Korma surprise

Fried up a little bit of diced chicken breast with half of a chicken oxo and a little olive oil. Mix it in to freshly made Huel, and wow; This is amazing! This is the future -This is healthy cheat-food!

All of a sudden - POW!! - A burst of tacky, sweet, RUIN!
Why, oh why, Sultana… Oh, the sickly-sweet terror upon my palette :tired_face:

I hereby petition to remove Sultanas from the otherwise perfect Korma.
I know it’s only my own preference but unless Sultana is key to the nutrient profile, I’d like to kill it with fire! Am I alone in this?

Thanks :slight_smile:

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I have to spit out the sultanas as they will give me hell if I don’t :grimacing:

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Uh oh, I’m sorry for you. I’m only half-hour post dinner. Fingers crossed but I’m alright so far, thankfully.
That’s 2 of us to start the riots so far then :wink:

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The sultanas were the only good thing about korma for me! So interesting how all our tastes are so different.


In my case it’s not about taste, I love sultanas and used to be able to eat them years ago, but how my body reacts to them now.

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Agreed! Sultanas are the only reason why I haven’t tried his flavour…


Dried fruits and nuts are a mainstay of many curries and spiced dishes not just from the Indian subcontinent but also northern Africa, Asia and Southeast Asia – they’re integral to many traditional recipes tastes and texture – even when you don’t realise they are there such as Japanese Katsus.

Removing them from these kind of recipes would probably alienate more people than it would attract.

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Looks like we are in the minority. This was a nice surprise for me when I first had it.

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is it the taste or the texture thats the turn off? personally I don’t mind either and also why I like English chip shop curry sauce which also uses raisins in the ingredients.


Nooooo I love the sultanas, please don’t remove

Now that’s sad :frowning: I sometimes worry what would I do if I developed a nut allergy (it happened to a friend of mine). I’d definitely be very sad about it, I love peanut butter!

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Same! I just couldn’t get on with the flavour overall though; the raisins were what got me through most of the bag.