Help on Huel as a flour replacement

Tried a search on this, and couldn’t find anything too in depth on this. But generally for baking, what’s everyone’s experiences with using Huel to replace flour 1 to 1in recipes.

I am thinking of giving this vegan banana bread recipe a go, and would like to replace the flour with Huel.

For the more experienced bakers in the group, can I simply replace the 2 cups of flour with 2 cups of Huel?

Tips and experiences highly appreciated!

Not tried it, but this person did something similar: Vanilla Huel & Banana Loaf

Easy to adapt to vegan.

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I have baked several times with Huel and in my experience you can’t replace it 1 on 1.

Huel is heavier than flavour. If the recipe says 2 cups of flour replace it with either 1 or 1,5 cups.

If the recipe is not working mix the Huel with almond flour or add baking powder to it.

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The recipe I posted already calls for a wee bit of baking powder. If I cut to 1.5 cups of huel, should I keep the amount of baking powder the same, or modify that a bit as well?

I checked the recipe you posted but it says baking soda not baking powder. Those two are not the same and you don’t want to mix them. I would follow the exact recipe and just substitute the 2 cups for with 1.5 cup Huel.

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Cheers and thanks for the inputs everyone, I am eating this as we speak and it is absolutely delicious! The tip with using 1.5 cup Huel was spot on. Omg, it is going to be a calorie laden evening haha


Late to the party but I’ve used huel 1:1 instead of flour and things went fine, that was last with 2.3 though. Bit of baking powder and all was lovely.

It depends a bit on the recipe. If you use Huel for muffins for example you have a hard time getting it up.

Muffins are supposed to be light and fluffy but banana bread for example has a very different structure.

I use Huel Black for baking but I don’t know if that makes any difference.

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Did you get any photos of the finished product, @shawn2nd?! Great to hear about your baking exploits, sounds like a good weekend!

absolutely heavenly! can really recommend everyone try this, I used Huel Chocolate v2.3 that I had leftover.