Hubby and wifey journey

Hello, my husband and I are about to start our journey tomorrow, was wondering what sort of weights you’ve lost on your journey

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Four pounds so far ( but I’m just at the beginning of my journey). Good luck!

Well done, how long have you been doing it

About three weeks so far :slight_smile:

Ooo that’s great!! I have at least 3 stone to go :confused: but alll the reviews look fab

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2 stone in 5 months :slight_smile:

Wow that’s fantastic!! Well done

So it’s all just arrived!! Here goes


My partner and I started today. I have lots of weight to lose, he is doing it for the health aspect. Good luck.

Me to mum07, maybe we can all support each other good luck x

me to itsfrigginmexxx That would be a great idea. I am on day 2. Just
starting with the recommended once a day until the end of the week. So far
no digestive issues. Taste… well , not that great but my brain knows
its healthy and theres no meat so I can deal with it. How are you doing?

I’ve been doing Huel for 3 weeks and Hubby joined me after about a week or so (when he saw I was losing weight :stuck_out_tongue: )
So far I’ve lost about 13 pounds - from 13 stone 4 (about a week before I started Huel) to 12 stone 5.2 today. Hubby has lost 9lb, from 14 stone 1 to 13 stone 6.
I’ve written about what amounts of Huel I’m using and flavour experiments I’ve tried on the thread ‘over weight sugar addict’ if you’re interested :slight_smile: Interestingly I really didn’t like the Vanilla flavour when I first tried it, but now I have settled on 1 scoop vanilla and 1 scoop unflavoured in about 400ml of water and it’s starting to really do it for me :joy:

Good luck and keep us updated of your progress!

P/S Beware the day 3 slump, it was a killer! Hubby got slogged with it too when he started, which made me feel a little better about it though :wink:

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Wow well done!! Nice to see our hubbys are doing it too :slight_smile: well today will be my first full day, I’m gonna have 2 shakes and am evening meal, and see how that works for me x

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Well done :slight_smile: I have been having Huel for lunch every day with a balanced diet and some weekly exercise and I have lost about 4kg in my first month of sticking to the Huel. My favourite lunch is 1 1/2 - 2 scoops of unflavoured Huel with about 200ml - 250ml of red grape juice, some yoghurt, a tiny bit of honey, half a tsp of flavouring (either Strawberry or Mocha, depending on what I feel like) and topped up to the 500ml mark with water. It’s just so easy to make the night before and keep in the fridge and I know I am getting the right amount of calories and not having something too big for lunch.

Keep up the good work.

You guys who are using Huel to help weight loss, how much are you consuming per day and what other food/drink are you including?

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I’m using it for weight loss at the moment - I try very hard to do 3 shakes a day of 3 scoops with 1/4 of the shake filled with unsweetened almond milk. For any drink its always water or straight black coffee.

Occasionally I’ll have a little nibble on a piece of bread etc but that’s because I play squash nearly every day and burn a lot of calories so I do get a bit ravenous as I’m on roughly 1500 calories a day.

As far as Huel helping my energy levels with squash/training (sprints, drills on the court etc) I’m doing okay as my times are around the same. Might be the fact that I’m losing weight so stamina is less but less weight to move about!

Hope that helps!

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I’m doing 2 shakes per day with a meal of fish, meat & beg for tea, I’m drinking water aiming for 3 litres a day, and a decaf coffee in the morning


Hi that’s exactly what I’m doing, I started last Sunday and am feeling great so far, I have a very sweet tooth but haven’t touched a biscuit or even wanted one since starting which is something of a miracle for me. I’m looking forward to my first weigh in on Sunday, I’m pretty much housebound at the moment so no exercise yet but hopefully that will change soon. I’m finding all the posts are really motivational which is a big help. Keep on Hueling :grinning:

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Hi, I’m using Huel for weight loss. For the last three weeks I have been eating Huel for three out of four meals a day, with a normal dinner (such as baked potatoes and tinned mackerel, or lentils and boiled eggs).

As of today, for the next month I am eating four meals of Huel a day (going 100%), to equal a total of 2000 cal per day. I lose weight on this, as long as I do a bit of exercise as well. Hope this helps!


Thanks, all - I’m just interested to see how you guys who are doing well are using Huel in your eating plans :slight_smile: