Huel = a good diet aid

Read alot of the posts on this blog recenlty and wanted to share my own experience with Huel so far.

So I realised i needed change in my life in may being very over weight and not healthy at all,

starting at 125kg on may 5th when i placed my first huel order i have now lost a significant amount of weight by managing my calorie intake with huel and by exercising ALOT i’m now down to 94kg iat last weigh in dropped 4 t-shirt sizes and lost 6 inches off my waist

was sceptical at first but with will power exercise and management of calories Huel can be a great aid

(just replacing lunch/breakfast with one 2 scoop shake and eating a balanced dinner)

I have my huel chilled in the fridge with Flavdrops Banana.

its fine by itself but took a little time to adjust no issues other than getting the consistency right at the beggining but after the first week or so I cracked it and got the measurements correct.

i never had a target weight as such just to trim up but happy and surprised with my current progress.

hoping to still lose more


That is brilliant progress, well done !!!

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Excellent results - well done … Ive just started with Huel this week to try and lose the last stubborn stone and a bit - UK weights and measures here, lol…

Im replacing my breakfast and lunch with Huel and then a balanced evening meal at home with my fast growing kids…

Here’s to our sucess…


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Thats fab!! well done!

Did you feel the need to snack in between or did you not feel hungry?

K x


at first i did crave abit but being stubborn helped, now i dont snack at all and just have my huel lunch and evening meal no snacks or alcohol just drink water

now if I have any bad food it just makes me feel crap

lots of water

Hi guys

I am adding two pieces of fresh fruit with each shake, so apple, banana, orange, pear etc …

No hunger pangs until it’s getting time for my eveing meal, so no need to snack - so far anyway

that sounds good :slight_smile: i might try it with fruit I’ve only tried it with flavdrops so far

been forgetting to update, weighed in now down to 89kg!

Nice work indeed! Thanks for sharing.

Just starting out on my Huel experience (first week in) hoping to loose 2 stone myself. Replacing breakfast and lunch with a 2 or 3 scoop shake and usually some fruit blended in, and a normal balanced evening meal.

Lets hope I have the same success!

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Trying to pull up from the weightloss plummet now :laughing: i’m down to 88kg now, I am eating more but the weightloss doesnt seem to slow… .

also thinking of posting before/after shots but don’t wanna make everyone hurl :laughing: