Huel and Spicy Pumpkin Soup

OK I have a couple of small pumpkins kicking around, and decided to make some Huel and pumpkin soup today. It is very nice.

The recipe below makes 4 good sized bowls, so I will have it a few times this week.


  • One small pumpkin, as in the picture - peeled, deseeded and chopped
  • One white onion - chopped
  • One medium sweet potato - chopped
  • One cup red lentils - rinsed
  • 3 cloves garlic
  • One can of light coconut milk
  • teaspoon or two of hot curry powder
  • teaspoon of hot chilli powder
  • teaspoon of turmeric
  • teaspoon of garam masala
  • one inch piece of ginger
  • teaspoon black pepper
  • vegetable stock - around 2 pints - depending on how thick you like soup
  • 200g Huel


  1. Take a large pan, and into it place the pumpkin, onion, sweet potato, red lentils, garlic, curry, chilli, turmeric, garam masala, ginger and black pepper.
  2. Completely cover with stock, bring to the boil and then simmer until the potato and pumpkin are soft.
  3. Pour in the coconut milk and stir.
  4. Leave to cool slightly and then blend thoroughly. This may need to be done in two batches.
  5. With the blender on low, pour in the Huel until it is thoroughly mixed. You will probably need to add more stock or water as it can be quite thick.
  6. Taste, and season to taste.
  7. Warm before serving

Due to the Huel the soup has a texture a little like chick pea flour soup…which is a lot nicer than it sounds. Definitely a winner and I will try it again.


Sounds real good, perfect for the chilly winter days. Thank you for sharing.

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Alas a little late for Halloween…but it’s damn good…first time I’ve tried Huel hot or in savoury…I added it at the end to preserve as much of nutrient profile as poss.


Really love this, what a great idea. Looks absolutely spot on!

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Nice! Why not to create a recipies section on the website? That will be a great idea

There already is one!


There certainly is one! You could also download our Huel recipe eBook here -

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Thank you, just what I need, I was finding Huel with frozen fruit was getting a bit chilly!

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There IS a forum category for recipes, but no one is using it, because categories aren’t shown in the right way.
It’s there:

In order to put the categories forward, I suggest to @TimOfficeHuel to set this page as the default forum homepage:
(with this page, you can see both the categories AND the latest posts)