Huel bars: coffee and caramel

Hmmm. Just tried one and it’s weird. First time with Huel bars. The taste is almost nonexistent. Which is far better than terrible. It’s palatable. Upon chewing it just kind of disappears in my mouth. No fudgey feeling. Before swallowing it just kind of vanished. Aftertaste is good, I finally can taste it a bit. For a quick 200cal it’s super convenient given its diminutive size. For its utility I am pleased. For its taste I am reasonably meh. They are a nice tool in the Huel offering.

Hey Eric, I won’t lie I think you’re the only person ever to elude to Huel Bars melting in your mouth!

I wouldn’t say the Huel Bars’ flavour is a huge hit of flavour like confectionery bars. Which coffee/caramel Bars do you like? So glad you like the sizing and convenience, I this moment just wolfed down my final peanut butter bar and it was an occasion I should have savoured for longer!

For that fudgey texture, pop it in the microwave for like 10/15 seconds. Or just keep the bar in your pocket until you want it, warming them makes them really gooey!

It’s a coffee/caramel bar that I tried. It filled me up though. I’m through lunch, that’s all I had, and I’m good for now.

Was Coffee Caramel the only flavour you tried? Personally, I think it’s okay but not as good as the other flavours.

For example, Salted Caramel tastes amazing and many others also love it. Peanut Butter is really good and has a unique texture. Chocolate is a good middle ground/base flavour. Chocolate Orange depends on if you like orange flavours.

Try them all and you’ll surely find one that you like!

Thanks! I got chocolate orange too but I haven’t tried it yet.

Chocolate Orange seems to be that flavour people either love or don’t like. It depends on if you like orange flavoured stuff. I wanted them to be like Terry’s chocolate orange but instead they taste like Huel Chocolate bars with a strong orange taste. Let us know how you find it!

Gonna try this warming up thing!! :smiley:

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i like this flavour.

i found by going fully vegan my tastes changed. i can appreciate healthy foods tasting better.

are you fully vegan?

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The chocolate orange is better. I have to say if these things tasted awesome, people would be likely to splurge on them at 200 cal a pop. So maybe it’s okay they don’t taste awesome :crazy_face:

oh but i believe they do taste awesome mr eric

Don’t give up on the bars just yet! Maybe you’ll find a flavour that you find “awesome”. Salted Caramel is the one for me. It has a beautiful caramel taste with just the right amount of salt. I splurged on them and finished 2 boxes (30 bars) in 10 days. That’s how good they were.

Tim mentioned Peanut Butter - I think that’s really good too. It’s crunchy and tastes like peanuts. The texture is much better because it has peanut chunks throughout the bar. If you’re used to protein bars, you will like it.

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peanut butter was god damned insatiable.

Thanks all. I’ll find a flavor I like more hopefully. That said, the sheet utility I appreciate and will continue to use. I missed lunch yesterday, one 200cal bar got my through that by satiating my hunger. And it saved me 200cal of Huel shake. Not that I want to do that.