Huel Bars - Good or Bad

Hi All :slight_smile:

I’m new to the forum and new to Huel. I got a couple of the bags of Black and I’m super impressed. It’s day 5 of me having Huel shakes for breakfast and lunch. Previously 2 meals where I ate really badly. I’m feeling good

I am now also using the H&S (Madras is right up my street)

Question to you lovely people is what are the bars like. Reading a few things online that weren’t was complimentary but also seemed old. What are they like and what are peoples fav flavours?


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I started buying bars a few weeks in to my 20 week healthy eating plan (which ended last weekend with 28 lbs of weight loss).

Takes a while to get used to them. The texture is okay, but the milder flavors taste a bit cardboard-y particularly if they don’t have the choc chips to break up the texture.

If you like chocolate, then I’d definitely recommend Chocolate, Salted Caramel, Coffee Caramel and Peanut. All, IMHO, taste nice. I’m not a fan of White Choc Raspberry, Choc Orange which both taste quite synthetic to me.

Get the selection box and see what you think.

Having used them for a few weeks now, I like 'em. I did eat a lot of Nakd bars, but Huel Bars have almost entirely replaced them. I find them much more filling.

people like them all sorts of ways - softening them to a cake like texture in the microwave seems to be popular. I like having them with spreads on - like a dairy free cream cheese and even Marmite - which @Tim_Huel is also a huge fan of ( :grinning: )

I’ve even chopped them up and added them to home made chocolate ice cream which also worked nicely.

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thanks both. Food for thought :wink:

Not to keen on the idea of adding stuff to them as I want them for a quick snack or meal but think trying with Marmite has to be done, Im intriged.

Microwave idea sounds good. Guess there is only one way to find out and that to get some.

Guess this hasn’t reached Malaysia yet, unlike some Oatly stuff but this is really tasty…not tried on a Huel bar tho. Creamy Oat Spread Garlic Cucumber | Oatly

Oh, and Marmite has now released a chilli marmite.

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I saw that - but for various reasons - I cant go there

me too, which is why I make my own version of the peanut butter one

we do get Oatly products here - but not seen this - I will keep an eye out for it.

I know, which is why I said unlike some Oatly stuff, I know you can get Oatly milk.

yeah - I’m just padding put the conversation because its a quiet day on the Huel forums. Malaysia is for food trends what Australia is for fashion trends. You’re garlic cucumber spread is my mullet etc etc :rofl:

I love the Huel bars. R&WC first, then chocolate second. My GF likes the chocolate orange ones so I buy those 3 regularly.

cheers Coup

Now I’m getting flashbacks :sob:

@Sn0wdogg I love the bars, particularly salted caramel. If they’re cold they are a little chewy. I pop one in my pocket and that warms it up nicely and makes it gooey and lovely! You can always add single bars to your next order, even before committing to a whole selection box!

Chilli marmite you say :heart_eyes:

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Yep, it’s called Dynamite. They sell it in Sainsbury’s, not sure where else.

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I love Marmite, and the bars. I had never even considered putting them together. That’s fantastic!

it goes well spread on the PB and to a lesser extent the salted caramel. the others I have only tried cream cheese on them.

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Had anybody here tried blending a Huel bar with Huel powder??

I’m was thinking of trying;

• 45g UU BE Huel
• 1 Salted Caramel bar
• 4g chocolate cherry flavour boost

What does everyone else think? Let me know your combos if you have #recipes

Not a fan of marmite as I have a more sweet tooth. My favourite is a small spreading of biscotti (lotus) and also chocolate hazelnut spread on any of the bars. Its yummy. :yum:

I’ve had Vanilla Huel blended with a Peanut Butter Bar and it was soooo good! A wonderful way to eat 600kcals! It’s the 3rd tip here :laughing:

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