If this was the case then the date would be a use by and a not best before. Best before means the timespan that the product will taste at its best. It is still perfectly safe to consume after this date and in the case of the Huel bar it’s likely to just be dryer than when it was new.
Dairy products have a use by date because they turn and will cause illness if consumed long after the use by date.
Hi @mgiiklel
I have been eating v2 bars that went out of date in April 19 and they are still good.
For some reason, a couple have ‘expanded’ wrappers. Maybe these are the ones I had in my hot van for a couple days I’m not sure. I’m not planning on eating them lol
The others though look fine, taste fine and are still good, nearly 5 months past their bbe date
Hi Mike! I would eat one of those dry old bars, then I’d post “I ate one. It didn’t taste too bad, but there was a slight metallic aftertaste and now I feel a bit dizzy. I’ll post an update tomorrow for sure!”
I am the expert on out of date. I ate a V1 bar over a year out of date, no problem. Nutritionally? Maybe some degradation, but nowt wrong with it taste wise…maybe a little dry, but v1 was always dry.