Hiya folks. Been an on and off Hueler since Feb 2016 and as ever absolutely love the stuff.
Just got myself 3 bags of Huel black, vanilla and Chocolate. Vanilla is as delicious as ever and chocolate is definitely growing on me. Chilled overnight, super thick, can’t beat it. Both still make me burpy and refluxy but so does even water some days.
Anyway I’m wondering what the wee bits are that I can bite between my teeth? I Really like them tbh, would they be flaxseed (trying to remember the ingredients)? My internal dialogue is trying to determine what they are.
Many thanks
P.S the tight fit T-Shirt is great motivation to finally loose some lbs too!
Thanks so much for the message. Awesome to hear how much you’re loving Huel. We’ve both been having Huel for exactly the same amount of time * highfive *
Spot on, they’re flaxseed. In Black Edition we have reduced the carbohydrate content, therefore removed the oats. What this means is that we have to replace those oat calories with something else. Black Edition formula is higher in protein AND fat.
Now, one of our main sources of fat in both v3.0 and Black Edition is flaxseed and because of the way these are milled they are a little ‘gritty’ as you say. Black Edition has much more flaxseed than v3.0 (because we need to increase the fat content), so you’re going to notice them more than you do in v3.0.
Hope that helps answer your question.
So pleased you like the t-shirt too. It sounds like it doesn’t fit you though? What size do you need?
Thanks for the quick reply. It really is a satisfying element of the shake. Back on it for breakfast and lunch and can’t wait for my next one. I love that I can extend a meal out at my desk rather than have to eat something solid pretty quick.
In regards to the t shirt it’s just my podgy belly sticking out with the tighter fit. Maybe I should have gone large but a standard t is always a medium for me. Definitely a good motivator though. Christmas, work courses then two weeks all inclusive haven’t been kind to me
Overnight is definitely the way forward. I always liked mine thicker than normal and if it’s too thick so easy to rectify. The flax bits are soooo satisfying. A bit shocked at how much I like them
There are tasty little things! I thought they were barley or a particularly nice brown wheat, by their taste and feel. Must add flaxseed to my list of things to mix with rice.
I ordered one bag each of Huel Black chocolate & vanilla. The chocolate one has many of these course particles described here and i dont particularly like it. The vanilla one doesn’t have them at all, it’s very smooth. Is this a coincidence in the bags I got or an intentional difference between Black vanilla and chocolate?
@Silvia I think you’re onto something there. Chocolate did seem bittier. I’m going to try a side by side tomorrow with vanilla first to see if my perspections are skewed.
Hehe, cool that you’re checking it!
In my case the bits are also very visible in the chocolate one, but hardly at all in the vanilla one. It’s as if the flax seed added to the chocolate bag wasn’t ground properly. I hope that the finer flour in my bag of vanilla is how it should be. I guess I’ll find out when I place my next order of Black.