Huel - Breakfast / Lunch Plan

Hello All,

I am currently using Huel for both breakfast and lunch, Monday to Friday. I have been doing this on and off for a few months and love it. Nutritionally these meals were the worst because of working an office job and my inability to prepare these meals at home.

My current plan is 3 x 500 Cal shakes per day (08:45 - post gym / 12:30 / 16:00), however I’m still finding that I get a post work crash and tend to get really hungry before dinner.

Can anyone recommend a breakfast/lunch plan that is really working for them?



I do the same plan - Huel for breakfast and lunch, Monday to Friday.

I’m only having 100 grams / 410 calories with 400ml water for both - this keeps me going fine until my dinner, even after a quick 30mins in the gym.

I also drink about 3 litres of water a day, and have a ‘normal’ dinner.

I’m 90kg male going to the gym 4/6 times a week.

You may just need more calories. You could try having 4 x 400 calories.

I have 12 scoops per day (approx 1932 calories) plus an evening meal. I tend to graze, though. I take random swigs of it throughout the day. I go by how I feel rather than specific times. If I fancy some Huel, I have some. If I don’t, I don’t.

Use something like myfitnesspal and see if you are consuming enough calories. But I guess if you’re not you would be losing weight. I find Huel fills me up for about 3 hrs, start to get hungry after.