Huel challenge - friends needed

Hi all!

Long term user of Huel but only been dabbling around with a meal every now and again.

As an attempt to get healthier, save money and help protect the environment (!) I’m deciding to go 100% Huel (or as close as I can) for the near future. Thought it’d be cool to join forces if there’s anybody else interested in joining me on this endeavour…

If so, PM me, we can make a WhatsApp group or something.

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Go on then! I’ll go 100% huel buddy! pm me.

Count me in - just sent you a PM

I’ve just finished day two. I’m happy to join.

Pm me, im interested

I will be 100% Huel for a few weeks at least …
Dental operation will make me choose a liquid diet … so maybe I can join in then ???

I’m on day 2 of 28, I’m in.